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BREXIT & Pound Rally

One of the major distinctions is how politics has degenerated into who knows what, all we need to do is look at BREXIT and the chaos of the British elections come the 13th. We have never seen an election where former prime ministers have intervened to disrupt an election as they have this time around. […]

The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

QUESTION: Dear Marty , what do you’re models say about the unrest in South America (Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentinia) . It looks like the whole continent is on flames. All the best, ciao G ANSWER: I will update the Cycle of War in 2020. As I have stated many times, the computer has […]

Italy & the Euro

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, When will the Euro begin the final drop against the USD? My second question is property in Italy seems to be rising. Is this what you referred to a currency inflation? CDP ANSWER: The decline in the euro since 2008 has been steady, but gradual to some extent. The EU government […]

Conspiracy Against Trump

QUESTION: Are you familiar with Qanon and if so what are your thoughts. KJF ANSWER: No I do not believe it. That is a conspiracy theory that there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, […]

London Court Rules 1MBD Hearing Will Be Public

Malaysia won a MAJOR victory in a London court that will allow public hearings in the notorious 1MDB case where Goldman Sachs facilitated what is alleged to be the fraud of the century. In this case, Abu Dhabi’s state investment fund is in a legal battle over how billions of dollars intended for Malaysia’s economic […]

France & the Uprising

QUESTION: Would you say that the majority of French are becoming anti-Islam? GSD ANSWER: No, of course not. The blackout of such protests does make it hard to gauge to what extend the French are rising up in protest. Then again, the standard rule of thumb is for every protester there are 10 who stayed […]

Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered

Comparing the raw data that was adjusted in Australia, what has emerged is part of the worldwide conspiracy to reduce population. The original data at 60 of the oldest sites across Australia illustrates that the number of very hot days (40 degree c/104 F) is no different today than it was about 100 years ago. These […]

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that the mainstream media keeps attacking Trump because he has called them “Fake News,” there is a growing discontent with news overall. Governments are manipulating the news and sites like Wikipedia […]

Pole Shifts & Climate Change

QUESTION: Good morning, Mr. Armstrong. Last week, you wrote about the north and south poles flipping. Has Socrates ever suggested that the earth could flip so that the north and south poles move to where the equator is now; that is, has the earth ever moved sideways? I live in Edmonton, Alberta and, at one […]

Market Talk – November 25, 2019

ASIA: The recent elections in Hong Kong have given a landslide victory to pro-democratic parties. However, Beijing reiterated that Hong Kong will always be ruled by China. The foreign minister said at a G20 meeting in Tokyo, “No matter how the situation in Hong Kong changes, it is very clear that Hong Kong is a […]