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Veritas Exposes CNN & They Have Blood on their Hands for Creating a Fear & Panic

  Project Veritas has exposed CNN for what it truly is – an anti-American propaganda machine intent upon overthrowing everything we thought our future would be. They single-handedly escalated the “FEAR” over COVID to get rid of Trump. However, in the process, they sealed the fate of the entire world and handed it to Klaus […]

Politics – What a Mess

Well, 46% of Americans said they would entertain a run for the White House by “The Rock,” and why not? How much worse could he possibly do? In fact, ANYONE from outside the career establishment of Washington will be far better than the inherent corruption we have going on in government today. After all, 60% […]

The Hunt for Global Taxes

The proposal is to create a global tax rate as world leaders move to create a one-world government. The United Nations, behind the curtain, is preaching that ONLY they can solve the world crisis in climate change, for it requires a single government to control the world. On top of that, Bill Gates has taken […]

Are Democrats all Evil?

QUESTION: You always bash the Democrats. Do you think they are all evil? AD ANSWER: No. I don’t think you understand how Washington works. You can vote for a candidate on whatever they say they will fight for. Then they get to Washington. There they are instructed that they MUST vote for whatever the party […]

Biden Declares the Constitution is NOT Absolute Ensuring Revolution

Biden has targeted guns with the end goal to disarm America entirely. He has stated: “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” The real objective is to compel everyone to register every gun so they can enter your house without a warrant to seize your weapons. What they are doing is dripping out their real […]

Europe Becoming Ruthless in the Name of Protecting People

  In Brussels, the Capitol of Europe, the police are simply attacking the people with ruthless disregard for human rights. They even rode right over people with their horses. If there was ever a justification for revolution, you are witnesses that in Europe now where the government has taken COVID as an excuse to alter […]

Market Talk – April 6, 2021

ASIA: China’s factory activity in March expanded at the slowest pace in almost a year on softer overall domestic demand, but underlying economic conditions remained positive even as input and output inflationary pressures intensified for manufacturers. The Caixin/Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) dropped to 50.6 last month — the lowest level since April 2020 […]

Biden’s Policy to Double Gasoline Prices

Biden’s objectives, or should I say the people really running his administration that does not include even Harris, is to DOUBLE gasoline prices which is Part-B of this plan to “Build Back Better” which first requires you to destroy the economy as it currently exists. Part A was using the lockdowns to end commuting and […]

It’s A Good Time to Die?

  The Democrats are out to end saving and passing on something for your children. I am sure those who voted for Biden simply because they hated Trump will find out what the real agenda is fairly soon. It might simply be a good time to die right now because the Democrats tear up everything […]

Revealing History

COMMENT: I find it interesting how two people the general consensus has said were scoundrels, John Law and Julius Caesar, you have shown were actually people against the establishment. I read your Anatomy of a Debt Crisis and you have put together the contemporary historians where everyone else just seems to rely on the fake […]