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Is the American Court System Hopeless? Acosta of CNN Should Be Banned & Cannot have a First Amendment Right Legally

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You are rather famous in legal circles and the fact it took the Supreme Court to agree to hear your case before they released you is indicative of the deep corruption in New York. This seems to be like the disgrace of Lord Bacon who took bribes from litigants. Do you think […]

NASA Now Says They See a Cooling Trend – Not Warming

“We see a cooling trend,” Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center said in late September. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.” … …. Ron Turner a Senior Science Advisor to NASA’s Innovative […]

You Cannot Understand Global Warming without understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I came across this guy Richard Lindzen and it struck me he was asking people the same question about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He concluded that very few people who appear to be scientists or educated can even answer the question but still profound to be experts on Global Warming. It is […]

The Rise of Nationalism

Part of the War Cycle we have been warning about since it turned upward in 2014, is not merely international tensions between nation-states.  This particular uptick is the convergence of two cycle – (1) the international tension, and (2) the civil unrest. I previous warned that because the civil unrest would turn up, this should […]

Global Warming Agenda to Create Authoritarian Government

Back in 1996, the former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev expressed the real truth behind the Global Warming agenda. He said that using climate alarmism could advance the socialist Marxist objectives to restore the power of government. He said: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” Essentially, this was revealing what […]

The Midterm Elections

“The Democrats cannot reverse their declining trend since they peaked with FDR, and the Republicans cannot deliver the final death blow to the Democrats to put them out of their Marxist misery.” The computer was correct. There was no Blue Wave. The real interesting aspect is it appears we may have a Bearish Reversal elected in […]

US Political 2018 Midterm Elections

  On the one hand, the Midterm Elections really mean nothing. The Democrats cannot reverse their declining trend since they peaked with FDR, and the Republicans cannot deliver the final death blow to the Democrats to put them out of their Marxist misery.  While we have provided the target ranges for the vote, we also […]

Market Talk- November 1, 2018

The start of a new month and a solid session across the globe. the Nikkei failed to join the party with a 1% decline today, but then the Yen has bounced a touch (0.3%) to balance some of that move. Interesting this is they claim tech took the markets lower in Japan whilst in the […]

Sociopathy & Politics

COMMENT: What you discuss in “Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf” and “Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win” are the ice people described in “The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.” These are people with no conscience. Because your blog reminded me of the book, I am re-reading it. As the author says: “Sociopathy is […]

Forecasting Whatever Trend is in Motion Will Remain in Motion is Standard

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I believe I understand your criticism about analysis. Whatever trend is in motion people assume will remain in motion. This is dangerous in managing a company, economy, and climate. I read the New York Time from 1961 when they said the climate was getting colder. Perhaps we need to teach a course […]