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Answering Questions for the Press

 Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day. What’s going to happen in the following months? A: 2015.75 (September 30/October 1), is the BEGINNING of an economic trend rather than the end. It also happens to be the […]

Texas Gold Promoter Missing $30 Million in Metals He Claimed to Store

The Austin Texas Bullion Direct has filed for bankruptcy and it is alleged that $30 million in metals that were supposed to be in storage is gone (Bullion Direct Bankruptcy-Case-Filing-7-20-2015). This is one of the bigger problems with the gold promoters claiming to be storing customer’s metals without independent audits, insurance, etc. This was a problem after […]

The Dow

The failure of the Dow to close above 17007 confirms that we are not yet ready to take off to the upside. We needed a closing ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market to state definitively that the August low will hold and new highs are ahead. We needed a minimum closing ABOVE 16632 to firm up short-term support. The […]

Reality Check

Over the weekend, The Financial Times reported that Beijing would abandon its large-scale share purchases. This story sparked declines in China’s A-listed shares, although the Shanghai Composite pared losses to close 0.8 percent down. Then there is Jackson Hole and how amazingly stupid people are who do not understand what the Fed has been saying […]

It’s All in the Database – Are We Doomed?

  QUESTION: Dear Martin, Although I am not that knowledgeable in Economics, I have been following your blog for some time now. I am intrigued by the patterns Socrates unearthed regarding human behavior. I can appreciate a good puzzle. We keep repeating  everything  we do, but it grows more devastating as our technical  knowledge improves, […]

The Coming Phase Transition & the Dow

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for all you do.  I do have one question in regards to the Phase Transition above 23000 into the 35000-40000 number you have spoke of.  If we experience a close below 15500 for the month of August and see a continued correction into October to  around the 12000-13000 number would the […]

Krugman: Debt is Good & No Bubble in Bonds

Back in May of 2013, Paul Krugman said there was no bubble in bonds. Now he is back saying that debt is good and there is not enough of it. So just what is going on in his head? Of course, the hyperinflationists will point to all sorts of things and predict the end of society is near because of debt. We obviously […]

There is More At Stake Than Just China

Dennis Lockhart, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, stuck to his guns late Monday by stating that he still expects the Fed to raise short-term interest rates in the next few months. I have been warning that without higher rates, the Fed is facing a pension crisis because rates have been kept way too low […]

The Markets Opening August 25, 2015

The world share markets remain volatile yet should begin to stabilize now showing tentative signs that the panic of Monday is starting to subside. The reported epicenter of Shanghai for the rout, however, has suffered another big sell-off. The mayhem in China’s equity markets showed no signs of abating on Tuesday, as the Shanghai Composite index […]

False Move = August Low in Dow

A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August low. That can be on a closing basis with an intraday in September and a rally for the close, or it is just an August […]