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Labour Party in London Wants to Delist Any Company That Does not Comply with Climate Change

Britain has been a major center stage player in expanding the world economy every since the 17th century. The London Stock Exchange was the place to list your company to get into the big leagues. Now the British Labour Party seems to be joining with the extreme left in Climate Change known as the Extinction […]

The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.” This has been based upon a book that has put forth a theory that one of the five mass extinctions in history was caused by CO2 […]

North Korea – Famine & Civil Unrest

One of the reasons North Korea has such a large army is not patriotism. Those in the army are fed before everyone else. North Korea has always had a major problem — growing food. From a timing perspective, 72 years from the birth of the 38th parallel brought us to 2017. The War Cycle involving […]

Market Talk – November 18, 2019

ASIA: A lot of pessimism in the news today regarding the US and China trade deal, with agricultural and concerns over intellectual property being the main sticking points. In addition to this, China came out with a bold statement for the US to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea in a separate […]

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and efforts. I find it fascinating that the foretold decline of the West (by Socrates) coincides with the fourth-turning demographic study described by Strauss & Howe. Watching it unfold is causing some […]

Germany to Separate North v South by 2030

QUESTION: Martin, Following the recent State elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia which reflected voter disillusionment and discontent with the CDU and SPD how do you view the German political scene to the 2021 Federal election? JR REPLY: Bavaria came into existence in 1806 when Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire. It was at this […]

The Coming Big Freeze

The BIG FREEZE is upon us. The volatility in weather that our computer has been forecasting on a long-term basis should result in this winter being colder than the last. In Britain, the snow has hit an already flood-ravaged country as temperatures plunged to -7C. This is part of the problem we face. The ground […]

News in America Has Become Propaganda Like Pravda Did in Russia under the Soviet Union

COMMENT: Martin, I was willing to just to try Duck-Duck-Go just to see if they are non-biased in their results (and to get rid of Google sponsored Ads as my first search results). I “Duck-Ducked” for: “Trump news”, thought “Uh-oh.”  Fox News was at the end of the list.  At least it showed up.  Then I […]

The Solution

QUESTION: Hi Marty: Congratulations on a fantastic WEC 2019. I have reviewed your Solution video. Could the government ease into such a solution in stages? For example, the government could place a moratorium on issuing debt and pay the year’s budget which included a reduction in principle on outstanding bond debt, and meeting current interest […]

China Moving to Create a Digital Currency

China’s National People’s Congress has passed a new law to create a digital yuan. Back on December 5, 2013, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) took its first step in regulating Bitcoin by prohibiting financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions. They were using Bitcoin to get money out of China in a modern money laundering scheme. Cryptocurrency […]