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The Movie – the Forecaster

  The Movie the Forecaster made its debut to a full house last night. The reception was fantastic. It was nice to have an audience that was so receptive – it truly was amazing. Most documentary films are about some suffering. This one is not about poor me, but what I have been fighting against […]


  I arrived in Amsterdam. It has begun. As I have stated, this film is not about my life, but about my battle against the market manipulators who have blackmailed government into bailing out their losses while they keep all the gains. When I objected to the seizure of the tapes I had made documenting […]

A New World Order – The End of Oil?

  We have been getting a ton of questions regarding energy since oil has broken the key level of $75 we gave years ago. Yes, this was a serious crack that may indeed break the trend of energy long-term. For this reason, our Institutional Report on the industry will be made available for everyone since […]

Why the Mainstream Press Will not Quote our Forecasts

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it exceptionally curious how the mainstream media never quote you yet you have correctly called every turn in the markets from gold, dollar, equities, oil, no less the shifts in geopolitical events. You even said the war cycle will start to turn back up in November. It seems that especially […]

Gold – Falling From Grace

Gold has been trending lower Breaking the June low of 2013 showing that the Benchmark Forecasts in The 2014 International Metals Outlook Report are right on track as it hits fresh four-year lows. The Gold Promoters are just desperate for bullish news and will craft whatever they can to continue their delusional bubble in which they live. […]

Pound v Euro – Should Britain Just Leave? Is the Euro a Doomed Currency?

The European Union will hit Britain with punitive fines of £90 million next year if David Cameron refuses to pay a £1.7 billion bill from Brussels. If Cameron has any guts, he will lead Britain out of the EU before it is too late – that’s what Maggie Thatcher would do. Maggie warned that the danger of […]

Analysis v Funds Management

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I appreciate all the work that you put into your daily blog and your computer database etc, but I do get a little annoyed when you use phrases that include the words “could”, “perhaps”, “maybe” and such guarded words in the context of market predictions.  We all know that the market “could” […]

Just Amazing – Witch-Doctors of Finance

COMMENT: Marty, I have got to say following you on the Dow has been an amazing live demonstration of what you have achieved. You call the July high, then said the market would rally into the ECM in September and then warned of a crash. The market turned down the week after the ECM peaked […]

Dow Jones – OMG – A Possible Sling-Shot Move?

  We closed right on our 17195 target and then the Dow closed above 17143 providing another buy signal yesterday and that warned of a move further to the upside. Especially when we fell right to the Bearish Reversal at 15960 and held. Exceeding Thursday’s high is a serious issue. We now must realize that […]

Deflation – What is the Cause? PUBLIC or PRIVATE?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You talk quite a bit about deflation in your comments, especially in Europe.  Can I assume you’re referring to monetary deflation arising from a slowdown in the velocity of money?  Which I’m guessing stems from banks using the plentiful money that’s available to them to purchase government bonds, using 30-1 leverage (as instructed by […]