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Why Biden’s First Executive Order was Illegal

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have been silent about the border crisis that Biden seems to have created while blaming Trump claiming the people were already on their way here. It seems like he shut down the funding simply because it was a Trump initiative. Would you comment, please? HS ANSWER: What Biden did was illegal. […]

The Bull v Bear in the US Markets

While the general overview of this market by most technicians has been bearish simply based upon how high the market has risen, we are also in an interesting position where the fiction of vaccines is providing some underlying support. Based upon RELIABLE sources, this entire Build Back Better motto and a scheme were developed BEFORE […]

Biden’s First Press Conference – Oh Boy!

    Biden is not competent to be President — plain and simple. During his first press conference, he had cheatsheets and only took questions from journalists who already agreed to never expose the truth. He had photos of all those in the room and the ones who were marked (see New York Post). He […]

Gaius Julius Caesar Victory over Vercingetorix 48-47BC

With the help of his political allies, Caesar had succeeded in making himself the governor of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum, with Transalpine Gaul later added, giving him command of four legions. The term of this governorship, and therefore his immunity from prosecution, was set at an extraordinary five years, instead of the usual one. Deeply […]

The Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution

I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns, they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration has moved to force everyone to register guns. The next step is to just bust into your house and confiscate them. They are taking these steps […]

Sidney Powell – Her Side

As I stated, Sidney Powell’s legal argument was simply that there was no harm even if she had just made up the story, which she states she did not. CNN misrepresented what her brief states: “Powell, who repeatedly pressed unfounded claims of voter fraud on the airwaves and in court, now says that “reasonable” people […]

Democrats Anticipate a Revolution is Coming

The deep concern for a building revolution lurks behind two major developments concentrated within the military. While more than 1,000 National Guard members will be leaving Washington, D.C. by the end of March, several thousand others will stay on indefinitely, claiming there is an ongoing mission to provide security for the U.S. Capitol. This has […]

Sidney Powell Shoots Herself in the Head – not the Foot

  QUESTION: What do you think about Sidney Powell saying no reasonable person would believe what she says. HD ANSWER: I understand the legal argument that there is no harm because she was not believed. If they suffered no harm there is no claim for damages. I have never seen proof that the software of […]

Market Talk – March 22, 2021

ASIA: China will step up imports of high-quality foreign goods and services as the economy makes a steady recovery, vice premier Han Zheng said on Sunday. China will strengthen macro policy coordination with other countries, Han told the China Development Forum, a high-level business gathering hosted by the Development Research Centre of the State Council. […]

Worldwide Freedom Protests Millions upon Millions of People Rising Up

YouTube Banned any Reporting of the Worldwide Freedom Protest – These People are Anti-Human Rights   March 20th, 2021 has been a Worldwide Freedom March which of course the US Media IS CALLING as “far-right”or “MAGA” or “QAnon” related. The US press is so anti-Constitution or human rights they call anyone who disagrees with lockdowns as an “extremist” who […]