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Who Becomes the Next Buyer?

QUESTION: A false move? I don’t follow.. If as you say the European money that’s been buying US stocks is now heading back to Europe, who will be the new buyers of US stocks? ANSWER: A False Move is an event that must shake the tree to get everyone out of their longs, causing many to then short. […]

The World of Currencies

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the pegs are breaking everywhere. It appears that what you have warned about is unfolding right on time. The emerging markets seem to have a choice. If they do not float they will end up with the same crisis as in 1997. China seems to react quickly to their numbers showing their […]

Real Estate

QUESTION: Dear  Armstrong, Your work is absolutely brilliant – Thank You. In your paper “a forecast for real estate”, your graph forecasts real estate trending down from 2015 till 2033. Based on this forecast will the real estate collapse begin in Australia after 2015.75? If so when will buying opportunities begin? In some of your interviews you mention that private assets will rise […]

The Dollar Rally – From the Japanese Perspective

The Japanese yen has peaked against the dollar. The dollar in fact elected a YEARLY Bullish Reversal at the end of 2014. This is yet another confirmation that we are facing a strong dollar ahead, ushering in this age of DEFLATION, which should start to hit in the USA after October. This is impacting everything, not the least of […]

Hoarding of Cash Doubles in Switzerland

The most valuable paper currency is the Swiss 1000 franc note. The Swiss are withdrawing money from banks and storing it at home. Sales of safes have skyrocketed and the demand for the 1000 franc note has taken off amazingly. One in ten notes now printed by Switzerland are in the form of a 1000 […]

We Deserve What We Get

QUESTION: Marty— Every post is enlightening. I was intrigued that there is no ‘plunge protection team’. I believe you, because you have been behind the curtain. Then what is the ‘Presidents Working Group’ and what does Kevin Henry do? Enlighten me more! Thank you. RK ANSWER: That was a presidential executive order from 1988. I was called […]

Why is it so Hard for the West to See That Everything is Connected?

QUESTION: Marty, you have written many times how everything is connected and how in Asian culture that is the foundation of all understanding. Why is it so hard in the West to comprehend this fundamental concept? All the best GD ANSWER: I think it is all part of the idea that we can alter society […]

Conspiracy Theories & Markets: In Search of the Gods of Wall Street?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong … An associate emailed me and asked me if I knew what PPT was? I told him …. I did not and to elaborate. He emailed me back saying PPT = plunge protection team! I then googled it and it seems some people actually believe that the fed/US gov. have some mystical organisation […]

China Devalues Yuan — Why?

China devalued the yuan in what many think was a surprise move. What they do not understand is that this move is more than trying to firm up exports; this devaluation has a similar impact to raising interest rates to stem speculation. Foreign capital just lost 2%. I have stated before, the Bank of China […]

The Age of Deflation & the Fed

It appears that many people are married to the idea that the Fed creates INFLATION by expanding the money supply. Sorry, it does not work that way. Others confuse the fact that interest rate increases are bearish and declines are bullish. All you need to do is look at Japan to see that did not work […]