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Hillary’s New Class at Columbia to Train Future Neocons

LEARN HOW TO: Destroy entire nations Mass-kill children with sanctions Assassinate a head of state Aem ‘moderate’ terrorists Fabricate McCarthyite lies Court nuclear Armageddon War

A Future Draft is Possible in the US

The US military is having trouble recruiting new members, according to the Pentagon. A much lower percentage of Americans are eligible to serve, and within that population, an even smaller amount is willing to enlist. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr of the Heritage Foundation said, “This is the start of a long drought for military […]

New Interview: Forecasting A Hopeful Future with Martin Armstrong

Click here to watch Martin Armstrong’s latest interview with Ryan McCormick of Outer Limits Radio.

PRIVATE BLOG – The Economic Future From Here

PRIVATE BLOG – The Economic Future From Here Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Bright Future

We have a group of geriatric people 80+ attempting to seize the world and rush this Fourth Industrial Revolution, probably in hopes of rapidly advancing medicine to avoid death. The good news is this entire effort to redesign the world and construct a future where they remain immortal and on top will fail. Yes, things […]

Gates & Our Dark Future

  For months, I have been getting info from behind the curtain where there are still people who are against this entire agenda. I refrained from publishing most of what I heard not that it was wrong, but it was so far-fetched it certainly seemed like a conspiracy theory. This push using COVID for a […]

FUTURE Under Construction

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am new to your blog but I’m here because your reputation precedes you. I was told unlike everyone else commenting on the World Economic Forum, even Nigel Farage said you were the alternative to Davos. My question is this. Why has the WEF been so influential with all of these […]

The Big Capital Shift – Economic Future of Uncertainty

Capital is flowing like never before. While governments are talking Great Reset and the IMF is pushing for abandoning paper money moving to a cryptocurrency in hopes that the next stage will be for the IMF version to replace the dollar as the reserve currency, the smart money is on the move. Everything from housing […]

Spain Revealing the Totalitarian Future for All

Spain is just putting it all out there. There is new legislation that effectively allows the total end of democracy and All freedom in Spain and this is just the beginning. Any person of legal age will be obliged to carry out the “personal benefits” required by the government, following the guidelines of the National […]

We Question for Their Future

We don’t buy Life Insurance because we expect to live forever. We buy it for them.