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Trump v Biden According to Putin

“Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.” — Joe Biden on Twitter (@JoeBiden) February 21, 2020 People ponder if Putin would have invaded under a second […]

Why the Jan 6 Event Must be Labelled an Insurrection – Only that Will Bar Trump from 2024

COMMENT: Marty, you are right. Republican politicians have hated Trump and look to stab him in the back every chance they get. They do not like outsiders as you said. Mitch McConnell is the latest disgusting Republican calling January 6th a violent insurrection. It is really hopeless to expect anything from Republicans in DC. They […]

Trump on Vaccine Mandates and Political Division

Former President Donald Trump told reporters at NPR that he believes the pandemic will eventually “phase out.” Although he has come under pressure for supporting the vaccine, he indicated that he does not support mandates. “The vaccines, I recommend taking them, but I think that has to be an individual choice. I mean, it’s got […]

Turning Your Hatred of Trump Against Yourself

QUESTION: Do you think Trump was a better president? He was a moron! HJ ANSWER: I really think you are too caught up in this idea that the president is actually in charge of the country. I have said from the outset, the 2020 election was NEVER about Trump v Biden. If you really think […]

Trump Launching Social Media Platform

Former President Donald Trump is launching a new social media platform in Q1 of 2022. According to his son Donald Jr., the Trump Media and Technology Group and Truth Social will aim to “counter censorship” and “give a voice to all.” This should be interesting. Even liberals can see that conservative voices have been muted […]

Afghanistan v Trump’s Wall

The scene at the airport demonstrates the hypocrisy of the Democrats in this administration. They have bashed Trump over illegal aliens and wanting to build a wall, but those people were coming for economic reasons. There the Democrats claimed to have compassion, but there has been no such concern in Afghanistan. The Taliban is a […]

Trump & Tax Evasion

The latest is that Trump could be criminally charged for tax evasion by paying for some benefit to an employee rather than salary. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was looking at taxing frequent flyer bonus points as income to an employee when the company pays for the flight, but the employee uses the bonus point […]

Trump’s Lawsuit Against BigTech – Is it Viable?

Anything Trump does the media will call a joke. This lawsuit they all claim Trump will lose. But their bias blinds them to two important points one of which he makes which is that they are acting under the color of law which means that the First Amendment would apply to a private person or […]

NYC Mayor Race 69% for Non-Politician – Trump Style Populism Again?

  The founder of Guardian Angels who stood against crime in NYC, Curtis Sliwa, took 69% of the Republican votes which looks like the populism of 2016 all over again. Sliwa scored a big victory as the Republican nominee for mayor. What this is showing is that crime is out of control in NYC. Police […]

JFK – REAGAN – TRUMP on Freedom

  COMMENT: Hi Martin, Re: your blog post about multiple Faucis…. Couldn’t agree more with your comments. Especially love this one: “I find it hypocritical that the argument against restricting abortions that the Democrats throw out “IF IT’S NOT YOUR BODY IT’S NOT YOUR CHOICE“. Yet somehow that does not apply when forcing experimental vaccines […]