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Trump’s China Tweet

Trump wrote on Twitter over the weekend that tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods could rise to 25%. He said that a 25% tariff will soon be assigned to a selection of $325 billion in presently untaxed goods. The tweet sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down sharply while the yield on the 10-year […]

China & Buying Gold – Why?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you said at the WEC in 2017 that central banks will diversify and increase their gold reserves going into the currency crisis coming in 2021. China has continued to increase its gold reserves. You would please update on that development. Thank you PK ANSWER: Central banks are in a very […]

China Backing Russia in Venezuela

QUESTION: Did China also send troops to Venezuela? What do you make of that? GW ANSWER: Yes. This is part of the fallout from the Democrats attacking the Russians for Hillary’s loss to Trump. Venezuela still subscribed to Communism. Neither Russia nor China agrees with that philosophy. Therefore, what they are doing is merely opposing the USA […]

Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier monetary system in 1873 to accommodate trade with China who was on a silver standard rather than gold. The actual timing is 17 intervals if the 8.6-year frequency of the […]

Coldest December on Record in China

China is also experiencing the coldest day record during December 6 below zero C. Snow is falling in Beijing to Shanghai. It has been in the 70s in Abu Dhabi and in Tampa Florida, so the cold is dipping lower and lower across the planet. Temperatures in China have been held under 4 below zero C on […]

China’s First AI TV Anchor

China has scored a real first and it may be an answer to the FAKE NEWS problem in the United States and Europe. A TV anchor has joined a Chinese news agency who is not human. China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency has launched an artificial intelligence (AI), anchor. “English AI Anchor” debuted Thursday at the World […]

China & the Hidden Debt Crisis in the Provinces

The Sovereign Debt Crisis in China among the provisional governments is alive and well. The off-balance sheet government liabilities in the regions amounted to an estimated 40 trillion yuan which is almost $6 trillion. Some are calling this a “gigantic credit risk” which is a hidden liability. This represents 60% of  GDP which bypasses the […]

China on the Rise Report – Digital

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world’s leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and failed economic policies centered in socialism. With special attention to the Chinese yuan and Shanghai composite, this report examines how, when, and why China will become the new financial capital of the world.

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Here is the Contents of the China Report & Those who Cannot Buy From Amazon We Will Provide a Digital Copy

This is being sold at Amazon. It is a printed report in full color. This is a report that will be a reference for the decade ahead. There appears to be a problem whereby some countries are blocking the purchase of books on any subject matter. Canada appears to be one of them. We will […]

China to Support Syria Along with Russia Against USA

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You said that China would eventually send troops to the Middle East and join with Russia in Syria. China just openly told that to the newspapers. Your contacts behind the curtain are quite amazing. BH  REPLY: Qi Qianjin was appointed the ambassador to Syria back in 2016. You are correct, on August 1st, 2018, […]