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Trying to Forecast Long-Term Technology Trends

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a hard time envisioning this age of knowledge some claim is behind cryptocurrencies and others claim is behind robots that necessitate a guarantee welfare system. Do you give any credence to these type of forecasts of the long-term future? BG ANSWER: No. This idea that we advance to a higher state of […]

Cryptocurrency Scam?

There are way too many cryptocurrencies out there and even if we accept the theory that ONE will survive and become mainstream, what happens to the rest? This is the great unanswered question. You certainly cannot replace the dollar and central banks with thousands of currencies. We tried that once when Andrew Jackson revoked the […]

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

  The story running around on news tells the tale of an individual who legally sold large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit found that Clydesdale Bank decided to freeze all assets involving people who had been involved in cryptocurrencies. The man had no criminal convictions and had always complied with British laws on […]

Cryptocurrency – Private v Public

QUESTION: Dear Marty: I have been reading you for over a decade. I notice a change in your attitude towards Bitcoin/Crypto. Initially, you were completely against it, now you seem to be neutral. Has something changed? We now have Futures, CBOE is coming out with an ETF, every major bank is thinking of entering the space. […]

The Shortage of US Dollars

What people have to understand is that the Federal Reserve is moving in the opposite direction with respect to its monetary base. The Adjusted Monetary Base is the sum of currency (including coin) in circulation outside Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury, plus deposits held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks. These data are […]

Did the Swiss Reject the Same Idea Behind Cryptocurrency?

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As you know, we rejected the proposal to eliminate banks from creating money by lending or the Sovereign Money Initiative. What you did not report is that the very same reasoning behind that movement has been used for the cryptocurrencies. In fact, they were using Bitcoin as proof that their idea […]

Uganda Taxes the Internet Deny Access Unless you Pay Your Taxes

I have been warning that there are no rules when it comes to the greed of government. Throughout history, the ideas behind taxes keep popping up in slightly different ways. For example, your freedom to travel can be suspended and your passport revoked if you owe the IRS more than $50,000. In Ancient Rome, it […]

Cryptocurrency Crash – Has it Done Long-term Damage?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am impressed with your computer system for without historical data depth, it still manage to correctly forecast the high in Bitcoin. The BIS had come out against cryptocurrencies as has our central bank here in Switzerland calling them crude and unlikely to become a world currency without impressive advancement in the […]

Cryptocurrency Changing the World?

  I do not know how else to say this. Cryptocurrencies are an ASSET CLASS and they are something to TRADE. All this stupid nonsense that they will revise the world monetary system with no pain and governments will be brought to the knees without firing a shot, I really do not know who makes […]

A Global Systemic Collapse – Opportunity & Risk

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; FX Street named you forecaster of the year for your Swiss franc euro peg forecast that also nobody else saw coming. I remember you were named here in Canada as Economist of the Decade for your calls during the 1980s with the 1987 crash and the crash in Japan. I by no […]