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Oxford’s Protests Against 15-Minute Cities

@starseed65♬ original sound – Starseed65 Those who see what is coming are beginning to resist the Great Reset. Ultimately, their plan to create a one-world government will fail but it will take firm resistance. As one reader mentioned, English residents of Oxford began protesting the 15-minute city concept in March. Thousands of people took to […]

Republicans Fighting Biden’s Mortgage Madness

Republicans at the state level are demanding that Biden and the FHFA repeal the asinine new law that punishes Americans with high credit scores by forcing them to subsidize the mortgages of those with low credit scores. The Biden Administration has been attempting to control real estate for some time. In June 2021, Biden forced […]

Bank Failures – A Push for CBDC?

Monday saw the largest banking failure in the US since 2008 after First Republic went under, marking the third death of a US bank this year. Regulators took possession of the bank this Monday and JPMorgan Chase will acquire the majority of the bank’s assets and remaining deposits worth around $92 billion. First Republic Bank’s […]

Dimon Suggests PROPERTY CONFISCATION to Combat Climate Change

Democracy is under attack. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon , who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private property to combat climate change. This is not an exaggeration. In his annual letter to shareholders, Dimon stated “governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations” may need to invoke “eminent domain” in […]

De-Banking Journalists

Honest journalism has become a crime. I have appeared numerous times on Maria Zaric’s program, Zeee Media. Maria is a professional journalist who asks thought-provoking questions to the experts that appear on her show. Her content goes against the grain and traditional narrative. The Australian-based journalist has been questioning COVID, the Great Reset, governments, globalists, […]

Orchestrating the Coming Totalitarianism

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you for your courage and your willingness to report the truth whilst all we get is a “web of lies” from the “Deep State” and their grand partners, the mainstream media. My questions centers around the purported quote from Ezra Pound, “The problem with modern war is that it gives no one the chance to […]

Aliens – Are the Back to Witness WWIII?

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, confirmed that the administration does not believe aliens are involved. “There is no indication of aliens or extraterrestrial activity with these recent takedowns,” she said. What is interesting is all of a sudden we are now facing alien encounters. When I was in 9th Grade, in public speaking […]

The Collapse of the Monetary System – a Comedy of Errors

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differencies between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I asume, there might be big differences by countries. Many thanks and best regards, RZ ANSWER: […]

China Buying Gold for a Very Important Reason

Of course, the Goldbugs always misinterpret a rally in gold. The buying coming from China is in preparation for war – not bullish gold for the sake of gold. I have warned that if war was coming, then you will see China start to sell off US Treasuries. You certainly do not fund your adversary’s […]

Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

  QUESTION: Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome in his direction. What do you think? Joe ANSWER: I know, Many people have noticed this trend. This is coming up more and more. Back in 1983/1984, […]