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Colin Powell Comes Out Against Hillary

  Colin Powell has long kept quiet about Hillary. He has at last broken his silence about his alleged involvement in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. He has bluntly came out at said that Hillary’s team is falsely trying to blame him. When Hillary reportedly told investigators that former Secretary of State Powell had advised her […]

A Review of “Hillary’s America”

I went to go see “Hillary’s America.” When I Googled to see where it was playing, there were a bunch of pro-Hillary sites at the top of the page. Nevertheless, about four down, I finally came to the movie. The movie was different than I expected. It went through the history of the Democratic Party, […]

FBI Release Notes of Hillary’s Interview

Hillary has claimed that Comey said she was honest and truthful in her interview recasting the whole controversy. Now, the FBI sent lawmakers notes on its interview with Hillary Clinton about her use of a private email server, as the State Department confirmed that it will release several thousand work-related messages that Clinton failed to […]

Hillary & Death Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, my family was always farmers. When the death tax was imposed by Democrats, little by little with each generation we had to sell something to pay the taxes. Hillary in Detroit said Trump should not have $4 billion and the state should have got it all. This is money already taxed numerous […]

More Emails reveal Hillary’s Conflict of Interest

Hillary has unquestionably been open for business. All the financial scandals of the Clintons belong to her from Travelgate forward. This latest batch of emails shows that donating to the Clinton Foundation was the means to get access to the Secretary of State. This is really unprecedented. The Hillary White House is going to be party […]

Nixon v Hillary

Richard Nixon was accused of being corrupt because some supporters back in the 1950s set up a fund he could use for political purposes. When it came out about this fund, it was touted as corruption. Nixon’s political career was on the line. He was chosen as Vice President by Ike who was a general […]

Why the Republican Neo-Conservatives Really Support Hillary

QUESTION: Marty; It is clear that the Republican elite support Hillary over Trump and of course the press with every story is negative. This is really strange with the GOP leaders who claim to be conservative. Obviously the press has become a propaganda machine to only destroy the country to maintain the status quo. Is […]

Hillary from a Supporter

  I landed in Tampa and called UBER. I got an older woman who was very much a Hillary supporter. I engaged in a conversation not to try to change her mind, but to listen to her reasoning. It was fascinating how she took the position Trump would start a war by insulting people and […]

Can Hillary Win?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you think that Hillary can win? And if so, what would happen? Thanks RP ANSWER: Our model is not unanimous for Trump. There is technically a 25% chance that Hillary could win, which one of our four models projects a Democratic victory. However, if you look at the mainstream channels from […]

New Film – Hillary’s America

The documentary, “Hillary’s America,” looks into the secret history of the Democratic Party and Hillary’s rise to become the presidential candidate. I find it rather astonishing to see a movie out before the election about Hillary’s crazy history. One would think that the Democrats would have preferred Joe Biden. Hillary plays dirty and many fear getting in her […]