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Boeing Ending Pension Plans

We are is the most serious crisis when it comes to pension plans. They simply do not work, are too expensive, and will collapse of their own weight. This is the decline and fall of Marxism. The real crisis will raise its head after 2015 and this is the very same issue that cause the […]

Puerto Rico Teachers Protesting over Cuts in Pensions

A reader from Puerto Rico writes: “Teachers took over the PR Capitol to demonstrate against the move of the government to reform their pension funds.  Puerto Rico is a preview of whats coming.  Thanks for all your work!!” Indeed, you have to find this story way down in New Zealand. So much of this pension […]

Can States Go Bankrupt & Are There Exceptions to the Unfunded Pensions?

QUESTION: Martin, I have enough years in to retire from the state of Florida. Obviously, large cities can be bankrupt (Detroit, Chicago may be next). Florida’s pension plan is about 85% funded and in the top 10 states that have well funded pension plans. Do you think it is possible for an entire state to […]

Real Estate – Collapse or Liquidity Crisis 2015.75-2020.05

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all the information you provide on your blog. Looking at a chart you posted on the real estate cycle shows the peak in 2007 then a drop and a bit of a rebound into 2015, followed by a huge drop afterwards.  Am I correct in believing we will see real […]

Russia Nationalizing Pensions?

The crisis we face in Pension is indicative of the entire problem with Socialism – it just does not work. What is unfolding now is quite simple. Pensions present a very tempting source of funds for cash-strapped governments who desperately need to fill in holes in their overall budgets, Governments have borrowed every year with no […]

Confiscation of Pensions – How Syria is Setting the Stage.

The US is dependent upon selling debt to someone. This Sovereign Debt Crisis has made the US vulnerable for it really cannot act unilaterally in international affairs as Obama is attempting. The USA is dependent upon selling its debt with about 40% being held internationally. Obama’s policies come at tremendous cost to the economy long-term. […]

Cultural Assimilation – Europe’s Internal Crisis

The liberals of Europe do not understand that you cannot make everything “fair” in this world. I was in London and received a phone call from one of the big telecommunication clients we had in Europe. I was asked to fly over for a urgent board meeting in the morning in Germany. I had no […]

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping foot out the door. There is a growing  consensus that deficits no longer matter. WHY? Because they cannot explain how government has run persistent deficits yet nothing has happened. Therefore, […]

Will Pension Funds Be the Target after 2016 to Seize for Our Protection?

There are actually people hinting behind the curtain that the Feds should take over all pension plans. I suppose they can then manage them like they do Social Security. Will this age of caring so much for us ever end? They are looking at more than $5 trillion there. The next crisis after 2016, who […]

Government Pensions Will Cost $2,500 Per Household & Climbing

The crisis we face is the collapse of society because those in government have been greedy and lined their pockets with our labor. On average, we are approaching the $3,000 mark per household that will soon be the cost of government pensions. This is a staggering number that begins to rise exponentially. This is why […]