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Illegal Aliens have the Same Constitutional Rights

  Often, people ask me about my legal background. Because I have had to deal on an international basis, even restructuring multinational companies, it was imperative that I understand the law around the world, how it developed, and the stark differences. For example, European law adopted Canon Law from the Catholic Church, which is far […]

World Economic Forum is Greatest Threat to Humanity

Klaus Schwab is a notorious control freak. He is applying that trait to the entire world. His World Economic Forum has issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report,” where he has now declared that the NUMBER ONE threat to humanity is no longer war and Russia’s invasion of a pretend sovereign state, terrorism, or even disease […]

Britain Ready to Send Troops to Die for Ukraine

I have been warning that the West desperately needs to create World War III as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement since World War II, which will inevitably result in the collapse of sovereign debt. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now gone to Kiev to sign a “defense agreement” committing British citizens […]

We Will Prevail No Matter What – Governments Better Learn from History

COMMENT: Hi Martin, We can now see insanity developing to the full.  As you or \ and Socrates predicted. The curtain has been pulled somewhat but we have not yet seen the wizard completely. We can clearly see  some of its agents. Anyway. Not all seems to be  lost in the process. I notice a […]

Only a Fool Invades Russia?

Let’s get something straight. There have been countless attempts to conquer Russia, and they have all failed over the course of 1,000 years – yea – 1,000 years! The invaders encountered different incarnations of Russians as well. There were the Ancient Rus, the Moscow Tsardom, the Russian Empire, and most recently, the Soviet Union. The […]

May 2024 & the WHO

Historically, the mindset from the very beginning of the United Nations has been this theory that a one-world government will end all wars. This has even been expressed directly by Julian Huxley, one of the founders. In fact, I had deep conversations with Maggie Thatcher about this and how the EU was proceeding with the […]

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the Ukrainian war that the West instigated by promising democratic elections to the Donbas in BAD FAITH just for being Russian, the European Union Council adopted a 12th […]

Where to Hide – & What to Consider

QUESTION: Dear Martin and the team. Perhaps the chances are very low that this would somehow reach Martin. However, I would like to try to use “the power of the internet.” I have to try, so at least I am not blaming myself. I would like to ask a question and if somehow, possibly get […]

Forecasting the Hamas Attack

QUESTION: Socrates picked up the Hamas attack, marking July as the high with a directional change, then another directional change in September before the attack, a panic cycle into November, and another directional change. The market then bounced. NBC reported that people were speculating in advance of the attack, and it may have been Hamas […]

Chuck Schummer is a Threat to the World

The Republicans have blocked funding for Ukraine, demanding restraints on the unrelenting onslaught of illegal aliens. Chuck Schumer has put out the propaganda that will risk everything the world has worked for since World War II. The Democrats are on board with the Neocons. The only way they can continue this insane agenda as we […]