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Climate Change – A Fraud to Justify More Taxes

The global climate change crowd really needs to be imprisoned. They have been deliberately creating a giant fraud that is just amazing. The low in the energy output of the sun was during the late 1700s. They have attributed everything to man and ignored long historical evidence that demonstrates that there is a cyclical beat […]

Spain using Facebook to Hunt for Taxes

Spain wants to collect taxes for citizens on Facebook and Twitter using what they say. Spain has its Financial Police to hunt down its own citizens and shake them down or imprison them as they are desperate for money. Last year, Spain went after known athletes for tax evasion. In addition to the social networks, the tax authorities are […]

Taxes Ready to Create the Next Economic Decline

Between FATCA and Obamacare which starts to fine people this year who cannot afford health insurance (lower classes), we are looking at a massive tax increase for 2016 and beefed-up enforcement. People have to comprehend that you do not have to raise taxes, all you have to do is reinterpret laws that already exist and […]

TSA to Arrest Anyone Charged with any Crime trying to Come or Leave – including taxes

The border is closing rapidly. First it was FATCA hunting Americans with any assets overseas whatsoever. Now just two days after taking charge of the committee chairing the House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing, U.S. Rep. John Katko introduced two bills. He is looking to effectively close the borders using terrorism as the excuse as always to […]

The Hunt for Taxes – This will Not End Nicely

  A reader from London just send this in. Another reader submitted: Hey Marty, I was reading online about what many regard as the greatest Chinese dynasty – the Tang Dynasty. Anyway, the following is written about what occurred during this dynasty’s decline: “The prominent status of Buddhism in Chinese culture began to decline as […]

Democrat’s Dream – Always More Taxes

There’s is little doubt that the Democrats can’t sleep at night worrying about someone made some money they did not get a piece of. The worst tax of all that is directly causing a worldwide depression is none other than FATCA. The FATCA worldwide hunting down pf Americans overseas was a portion of the 2010 […]

Obama’s Slick Lie to Raise Taxes on Middle Class

  What everyone heard at Obama’s State of the Union was how he wanted to tax the rich and prevent them from leaving their children the spoils of their life. They also were duped into believing that he wants to help the Middle Class and make college FREE. What they did not hear is his […]

Taxes Reduce Standard of Living – When it is So Corrupt, Where Do You Start?

  People have no idea the real level or taxation that they pay. A flight from Zurich to the USA runs $975. The actual air flight is $498 on United Airlines and the taxes are $477. A staff member from our Swiss office brought some chocolate as a gift for Christmas. What was about $300 […]

EU Looking to Centralize Corporate Taxes – the Federalization of Europe

President Jean-Claude Juncker of the EU has instructed all member countries to provide information on their tax decisions (breaks) provided corporations to the authorities in Brussels from 2010 to 2013. Brussels is now on the offensive to raise money and they are now targeting international business. Taxes should be determined whether competition is distorted by selective tax breaks in the […]

Arthur Burn’s Advice During Recession ’75 – Cut Deficit & Taxes

Arthur Burn’s testified before Congress on the economic crisis – the first to unfold in the new Floating Exchange Rate system that began in 1971. Keynesian Economics as practiced by government was dead anf taxes had risen to outrageous;y the 90% level until the first tax cut by Kennedy. Burns delivered his recommendation during the […]