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Swiss Abandon Peg to Euro – The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Swissy

The Swiss franc has risen by almost 30pc against the euro after the central bank shocked global markets by abandoning its long-standing peg to the euro imposed in 2011. The Swiss had no choice. They have been buying Euro at alarming amounts as smart money bet the Swiss would be far better at the end […]

European Leaders Mourn Death of the Euro?

  One of our readers made this photo to reflect another aspect of reality. The lack of political free speech in the European financial community led to analysts creating a code word for Greece leaving the Eurozone –  GREXIT. They we forbidden to write about or even mention the possibility of anyone leaving the Euro, […]

The Euro In Free-Fall

  The Euro elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at the 12150 area and it has penetrated the 2010 low so far of 11880 intraday reaching so far 11801. The key support lies at a set of DOUBLE WEEKLY BEARISH REVERSALS found at 11778. If we elect that this year, the Euro will fall most likely […]

Poland Rejecting Adopting the Euro

  Never was the rejection of Poland against the euro so strong. The Polish people fear that above all, they would suffer from the introduction of the Euro. The general feeling now among the majority is that the Euro would be socially a disaster. The Government of Poland would need indeed to hold a referendum to […]

12298 is Closing Support for the Euro

  The Weekly Bearish Reversal lies at 12298. A closing below that today should signal a new low next week. Keep in mind 12150 is the key Yearly Support. We need a closing below that to signal the Euro will move into meltdown sending capital into the dollar that could make the blast upward in […]

The Euro – Clinging to Life?

The Euro bounce into mid December has resistance at 123-124 followed by 128-129. The critical number at year end will be 12150. A year-end closing beneath this level will be long-term bearish. However, support will lie at the 118-120 level next year. A closing above 121.50 will suggest that the euro is not ready to […]

The Euro Crisis to Spread to a World Crisis

The Greek financial crisis began precisely to the day on our model for the start of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. That was truly amazing since we protected that ideal date in 1985. It is always fascinating to see how precise the world economy truly is – that strange hidden order beneath a surface of a […]

Pound v Euro – Should Britain Just Leave? Is the Euro a Doomed Currency?

The European Union will hit Britain with punitive fines of £90 million next year if David Cameron refuses to pay a £1.7 billion bill from Brussels. If Cameron has any guts, he will lead Britain out of the EU before it is too late – that’s what Maggie Thatcher would do. Maggie warned that the danger of […]

Greek Bonds Get Smashed – Prelude to the Euro Crisis?

Greek bonds were being sold again sharply today. The 10 year bond spreads to Germany are wider by 60 BP on the day! Rumors are always floating around and maybe we should just expect more intraday volatility; especially given that the chasing opposition SYRIZA party have been gaining steadily in recent polls! Brussels will only […]

The IMF & ECB Cannot Prevent the Euro Crisis – Welcome the Pandemic of Uncertainty = High Volatility

So far the Dow has held the previous day’s low and a higher close today will still point to a bounce into tomorrow, However, we are in the midst of a Pandemic of Uncertainty. This is becoming critical in Europe. While I am enjoying the weather here in Germany, the atmosphere is clearly uncertain spawning […]