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Putin Throws Down the Gauntlet

Vladimir Putin has effectively accused the Obama Administration and the United States on Friday of endangering global security by imposing a “unilateral diktat” upon the rest of the world. Putin also denied trying to rebuild the Soviet empire at the expense of Russia’s neighbors and has stated bluntly: “We did not start this.” On this score, Putin […]

The Fog – Comprehending the Invisible Hand

COMMENT: I just wanted to thank you for all your charts and explanations of what was taking place on the DOW this week.  I have been reading your work for the past five years and I appreciate that you make this available for everyone.  I am trying to understand what is coming our way and what […]

So Where is the Bubble?

  While those who advocated stocks in various institutions are being demoted and the bond bulls yell I told you so, as Melon famously said in the start of the 1929 Crash that Gentlemen Buy Bonds, what is really going on in the markets cannot be seen without looking at the cross-connections. Why? Sometimes you […]

Personal Robots Go on Sale Next Year

Yes – the future is here today at last. Pepper is the name of a Japanese robot and it will go on sale next year in the USA.. This create quite a technology leap and sales should be very brisk.

What Happens When Government Collapses?

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for freely educating all who choose to listen to facts and not opinion.  You have greatly helped me grow as a person since I stumbled upon your writings 5 years ago. I am nothing special, just your average American.  I grind through life as a teacher, small business owner, husband […]

Obamacare & Ex-Pats

A lot of Americans living overseas often write asking about Obamacare and its taxation. As a U.S. citizen you are required to either buy health insurance, which in the U.S. can be very costly, or get hit with a penalty. The penalty rises steadily. This year it is 1% of your income, rising in the future […]

Academia – The Great Fraud?

If we look at the world leaders, nobody has a degree in leading a nation. Most are lawyers. Even if we look at Christine LaGarde, she too is a lawyer running around threatening nations to give up foreigners or they will be banished from the world club while she sits in the Troika dictating the […]

Wave Compression with Technology

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I was wondering if your forecast models “compress” as we move into the future? Information spreads more quickly and everything moves faster and faster as we move through time due to advances in technology. Could this lead to contagion spreading from the collapse of Europe more quickly than your current models would […]

Ignorance of Cycles is Astonishing

Constantly we are bombarded by academics who take whatever trend is in motion and extend it out into the distant future. They did that with Global Warming and Al Gore’s forecasts portrayed a current time future TODAY where all ice should have been gone by now. There were predictions about food supply and over population […]

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than merely the top 9 controversial issues everyone writes about. Mr. Holder’s more than five years as the nation’s chief legal officer has been absolutely devastating to the future […]