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The Cycle Keeps Going – Everyone Gets their Spot in Fame

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I had stopped watching TV a decade ago. Then one late night in August 2015, for no particular reason, I switch on some Swedish channel, and voila! I see The Forecaster. It shattered me… I’m your faithful follower ever since. If anyone deserves a Nobel in Economics – or Peace – it is […]

Crimea & Carving up the World

COMMENT: Dear Marty You mention that Crimea was taken by Russia. However, this is just the MSM view. The West is accused of fermenting the problem in Ukraine which precipitated this. The people voted in a referendum with 31 international observers, 95% to reunify with Russia where they had belonged since 1783. Why does the West not recognize the referendum?? […]

Madrid Waged Cyber-War & Catalonia Votes Overwhelmingly to Leave Spain

Catalonia voted overwhelmingly to secede from Spain. Of course, the hard line invasion of riot police who beat and threatened the people discouraged many from showing up with the turnout being only 43%. The fascist government in Spain has demonstrated to the entire world that there is a major country risk in dealing with Spain. Any […]

Catalan Police are Siding with the People Against Madrid

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, the police in Barcelona are starting to defend the people against Madrid. Thank you so much! REPLY: The critical moment in any revolution is when the police/army switch sides to the people. Yeltsin stood on the tanks in Russia and the army stood down. In Ukraine, I warned that the people had […]

Special Counsel Looking to Blackmail Manafort Against Trump to Force Him to Resign

The special counsel  Robert S. Mueller III, who is leading the Russia inquiry against Trump, executed a search warrant at the Northern Virginia home of President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul J. Manafort, for tax documents and foreign banking records, according to a person familiar with the matter. Normally, Mueller would simply ask Mr. Manafort’s lawyers […]

The Revolution Cycle can be just 13 to 26 Weeks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What you are saying is there is no diplomacy that would work and that the only real player here is regime change and that is in the hands of the North Korean people. So what is your advice to Trump? KE ANSWER: Forget the trying to talk reason or my arsenal is bigger than […]

Trade War with Russia Disguised as Sanctions?

The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by the USA to punish Russia for Hillary’s loss. Clearly, the new sanctions have important implications for Europe because they target any company that contributes […]

Chernobyl and Bikini Atoll Are Rewriting Science

Bikini Atoll 70 years after nuclear tests is thriving. On July 24, 1946 Baker Test shrouded its formidable height over the U.S. Navy’s test fleet. The United States dropped 23 nuclear bombs on the island, including a device in 1954 that was 1,100-times larger than the Hiroshima atom bomb. Now a team of scientists from Stanford University have been stunned. […]

EU Extends Sanctions Against Russia Killing Their Own Economy

The EU has extended its economic sanctions against Russia for another six months, which really makes no sense. No sanction will cause Putin to abandon a strategic port in Crimea that was originally Russian territory before it gave it to Ukraine to be administered. President Donald Tusk announced it on Twitter interestingly revealing that Chancellor […]

Sweden Begins Drafting for its Military

The Swedish government has declared that they will begin drafting those born in 1999 for military service. This reintroduction of military conscription is being blamed on Russia’s invasion of Eastern Ukraine. In fact, it also has a lot to do with the Refugee Crisis. The draft will being as of January 1st, 2018. Sweden had military conscription […]