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American Politics Has Crossed the Rubicon – There’s no Going Back

COMMENT: Thanks for commenting on this! I was watching the proceedings and to me the circus on Capitol Hill only made sense to those who are too deep into American politics to see the big picture. I’m not from the USA, luckily. From the outside, it looks like infighting. What it looks like is the seat […]

Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever

The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the start of 2018, there have been totally spotless days for weeks. The sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply declined and this is not going to end well. […]

Gold is Turning Up with the Pi Target & may Rally into the Next 2020

Gold has broken out above the Downtrend Line and is poised to retest that going into the Pi turning point on the Economic Confidence Model target in November. If the market bounces off this technical support and rallies after the Pi turning point, then we should expect gold to rally to test the Yearly Bullish […]

Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have heard people say that the Russian sanctions were intended to overthrow Putin. Is it true that the Neocons believe that Russia will collapse and they will then walk in and take control of all their nukes? PV ANSWER: Believe it or not, the answer is YES!!!!! These people are HIGHLY […]

Beware the Common Thread that runs through War

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to argue that the sanctions against Russia are unjustified with respect to their invasion of Ukraine. I understand that Kiev was the original capital of the Rus. You do not agree with the sanctions I assume because you argue they are pointless and will not work. Can you elaborate […]

Directional Changes & the Worst in 40-Years

QUESTION: Marty; Your directional changes are amazing. They signal a change but it can be a turn as well as a sudden blast to the upside. You also mention that this is the worst you have ever seen personally in 40 years on the private blog. Could you elaborate? Thank you for being here. There are […]

Pentagon Warned President Bush Global Warming Was Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

  A secret report by the US defense chiefs warned President Bush that Global Warming was such a great threat that it would destroy the United States and major European cities. They told the President that cities would sink beneath rising seas and Britain would be plunged into a “Siberian” climate by 2020. They warned that […]

Red Tide & Blaming Farmers & Global Warming Yet it Conforms to Pi

If you ever live at the shore, one thing that crops up in 13-year cycles is what they call Red Tide. The traditional explanation I have always heard is that is caused by farming and the runoff of their pesticides that contaminate the water. I use to hear that in New Jersey and the same […]

2016-18 Big Chill – NASA Confirms Global Cooling?

What I find really distasteful is how the media is so corrupt that all they want to do these days is to manipulate us into mindless drones. All we hear is Global Warming and they seem to be paid to push this just as they have done in Canada to tax each house $1,000+ to […]

Will Global Warming Sink the Netherlands?

  A friend of mine was taking a class in geography in university for the credits. The professor was all about brainwashing the class about Global Warming. The pitch was that with reducing air pollution from cars, it would be possible to save the Netherlands otherwise the seas will rise and the country will vanish from […]