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Was CNN Pushing Cuomo to Make him President?

  CNN and the leftist media were clearly promoting Governor Cuomo as being more presidential than Trump. While the left was mercilessly bashing Trump over COVID and how every death was all his fault as Biden said, TV journalists in particular at CNN were actually saying that Governor Andrew Cuomo was really the acting President […]

Biden Grants Right to Vote for Criminals in Prison & on Probation

Biden has granted the right to vote to criminals in prison or on probation. First of all, I believe it was unconstitutional to deny people the right to vote on the pretense of violating some law that is never fairly administered. Just look at New York. They never prosecute any banker because the bank pays […]

This is Why Biden Does not Address the World

  The vast majority of people who voted for Biden did so because they hated Trump. Well, it looks like they got what they deserved. The problem is, the rest of us got what we tried to avoid. This is total BS that every economist left – right – center agreed to this $1.9 trillion […]

Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism

Welcome to the New Age of Stalinism. Children in East Germany were told that that state was their real parent, and if their biological parents spoke against the government, they should report them. The tyranny rising from BigTech in league with the far-left is really becoming frightening. Biden is going after all guns to compel […]

Texas Ends Mask Requirements & Opens Up Restaurants

  There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone with COVID. They said I could still catch it by pumping gas in my car. And when I bought a box of masks, they […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2021

ASIA: Bank of America economist said China stands a good chance of doubling the size of its economy by 2035 — and surpassing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy along the way. Helen Qiao, head of Asia economics at BofA Global Research, said some reform measures would help China get there. Doubling of China’s […]

Biden Gets the Immigration Crisis he so Richly Deserves

The Democrats blamed Trump for everything possible with immigration. Now the rumor is that anyone in the USA under Biden will simply be granted citizenship. What is going on now is the problem of unaccompanied children crossing the border has exceeded all-time highs. Border Patrol agents are now reporting a dramatic surge in the numbers […]

Is Biden Back in the Basement?

Joe Biden appears to be the first president to skip doing a State of the Union Address which is typically done by the end of February by tradition. However, it is not uncommon that a president skips the State of the Union Address during the year in which they were inaugurated. Both Washington and John […]

Cuomo Exemplifies the Downfall of the United States

COMMENT: Marty, you haven’t mentioned Cuomo. Any particular reason? GJ ANSWER: No. It is just another example of how everything has simply collapsed. If he were a Republican and his secretary accused him of sexual harassment, he would have been charged and hauled into court. Because he is a Democrat, he gets to walk on […]

House Passes the Equality Act which Still Allows Discrimination

The House of Representatives passed legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity, though it faces an uncertain future in the Senate. The legislation passed on a 224-204 vote which was mostly along with a party-line vote. Three Republicans voted with all Democrats.  The bill is one of Biden’s top […]