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Europe – How Bad Can This Get?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m based here in South of England, within the commuter belt into London. The ECM forecasts an economic downturn 18.01.2020, and Europe looks to be at the epicentre. My own research tells me the job cuts in the auto sector in Germany are quite severe. How does all this play out after […]

Market Talk – October 10, 2019

ASIA: Today top officials from China will be meeting their US counterparts to kick off the well anticipated trade negotiations. Tomorrow President Trump with meet with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He at the end of the talks. US President Trump tweeted, “Big day of negotiations with China. They want to make a deal, but do I?” […]

Italy Issuing Debt in Dollars – Not Euros

Italy today launched new debt in US dollars instead of euros in hopes of attracting dollar investors as the euro market continues to show signs of stress. They issued USD 2.5bn 5yr, USD 2bn 10yr, and USD 2.5bn 30yr. We are in the end game now to have euro members begin issuing debt in US […]

Cold & the Great Migration

QUESTION: Marty, are you still in Asia because you wanted to miss this early snowstorm? Pete ANSWER: No, the crisis is Asia has capital in a state of concerned. Because of the problems in Hong Kong, there remain major concerns not just about the peg, but the future of Hong Kong. As I have said, […]

Market Talk – October 9, 2019

ASIA: A Chinese official has told Bloomberg that China is not expecting an agreement with the US this week although talks are due to start tomorrow. However, there is an idea floating around for a partial deal, which would see some of the tariffs lifted, but they stressed that this would not be possible if […]

Market Talk – October 8, 2019

ASIA: The US administration has sanctioned three of the world’s largest facial recognition startups, prohibiting them from purchasing US products or maintaining relationships with American entities. The US is accusing China of unfair treatment of the Uighurs, which China is setting up a database using facial recognition software to keep tabs on its citizens in […]

Trump’s Polls Not Affected by Impeachment

What is really driving the Democrats crazy is that they still refuse to comprehend why Trump was elected to begin with. He was an anti-career politician. Even the Republicans did not get it. This impeachment nonsense would stick ONLY if the people actually believed that Biden and Hillary were honest and Trump was wrong. But […]

The Risks Are in the Eurozone Banks But Beware of Global Contagion

QUESTION: Sir, Given the liquidity crisis and the problem to arrive from Europe, I have a question for us Europeans: when you are talking about Europe and failures to come, you mean: 1. euro zone countries ONLY? 2. EU countries which still hold their currency (eg. Romania)? 3. what about the UK? Thank you. SM […]

RISK – Banks – Bailouts – Conflicts in Laws

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong, In your  blog post “Liquidity Crisis & the Pending European Banking Crisis”  Posted Oct 2, 2019 ” you write ‘Those in Europe who have a position in cash, it may be better to have shares or a private sector bond or US Treasury. Given the policy in Europe of no bailouts, […]

Hong Kong Anti-Mask Riot – Will this Become a Worldwide Contagion?

The protest in Hong Kong over remove all masks has a deeper concern which has sparked the most violent protests yet. China’s “social compliance ranking” is an AI system that is based on facial recognition software. The deep concern is that this new law is to identify who the people are and then arrest them […]