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Scottish Vote

The Scottish vote will be very important from the perspective that this will shake up the entire concept behind Brussels if they vote YES. Throughout Europe, the same civil unrest is rising as discontent every where.. Even if the vote is “NO” and the people accept that they are incapable of self-rule as second-rate citizens, […]

Healthcare Peak

QUESTION: In light of this predicament, as evidenced by your unequivocal statement regarding healthcare, will hospitals still exist, or will employees of the industry just blow away when this crisis peaks? Or will healthcare fields become below-standard-income careers in the future? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. As always, I thank you for taking the time to enlighten us […]

Polls Are Showing Pessimism at Record Highs

Polls even in the United States are showing that Americans have not only record high pessimism about the future, the majority now believes their children will have it worse than they did. Despite the stock market is surging to record highs, retail participation is at historic lows. The American economy is growing at its fastest rate […]

Scotland – Real Close Call

The BBC is reporting that the top three British leaders have signed a pledge that if Scotland stays, they will grant more power to Scotland. The pledge, which appeared on the front of the Daily Record newspaper, signed by David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, demonstrates that this is a very close call. This illustrates […]

Ripples through Time

QUESTION: Marty, I believe I understand why you say everything is connected. Your call on Scotland links into your call for the Sterling to retest the par level. Then you look at your call on the Euro. Both of these currencies look like waterfall events as you have described. It is interesting how Obama’s former […]

Should the US Give Up The Dollar as a Reserve Currency?

For the first time the position of the dollar as world reserve currency in the United States has come under criticism by Obama’s former chief economist, Jared Bernstein (2009-2011). Bernstein argues that the accumulation of dollar reserves abroad make the US currency too strong. This destroys jobs in the United States and weakens the economy. Retaining […]

Putin – War – & Return of Mercenaries – the Masquerade

Many people have written asking about Putin. The pundits are claiming the Russian Army is weak and could not wage war. Russia is actually looking at expanding its military policy re-targeting Europe and the USA as enemies, and rewriting protocols for justification of a defensive first strike with nuclear weapons. The greatest mistake that the West […]

Ecuador will be the First Country to Start Digital Currency

Ecuador has announced it will begin to circulate electronic currency created by its central bank in December. This is the way of the future. They often take a country like this for the test case. Ecuador will begin the process and we will see it swing to the USA and Europe during the decline in […]

The September Start of War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The fact that you gave us all warning of the turn in the Cycle of War coming in 2014 back at the 1998 conference and at 2011 conference, was truly amazing to watch how this has all worked out. But the stunning realization that you pinpoint Ukraine as the flash point and […]

Will Gold Still Go to $5000?

  Yes – to answer a lot of questions. We still see the future rally in gold reaching the $5,000 level. Keep in mind this requires an asset rally. Those who tout the German Hyperinflation omit the fact that ALL tangible assets rose not only gold and the replacement currency people accepted was backed by […]