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USA attacks Iranian Interests

The United States on Thursday carried out an airstrike in Syria against a structure belonging to what it said were Iran-backed militia according to middle east sources. The confrontation between the USA and Iran is building and this can still escalate into May. Where Trump was anti-war, the military establishment is always pro-Democrat since they […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2021

ASIA: Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on issues like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic if they repaired their damaged bilateral relationship. Wang said China is willing to reopen constructive dialogue with Washington after relations between the two countries sank to their lowest in […]

Vaccine Concerns that They Call Conspiracy Theory & Getting Back to Normal

  The entire problem with these COVID Vaccines has been that politics usurped COVID-19 to not merely beat Trump in the United States who in John Kerry’s own words rejected the United Nations and this American was “absent” from the UN climate change agenda. However, in Europe COVID has been deliberately used to crush the […]

COVID – A Convenient Virus

German researchers have disagreed with the WHO which claimed Wuhan lab was not the source of the virus. This virus was planned and the action of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates selling out positions and even bonds from December 2019 into January 2020 and then warnings that Klaus Schwab made to intimates reflect […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2021

ASIA: American companies would lose hundreds of billions of dollars if they slashed investment in China or the nation’s increased tariffs, the US Chamber of Commerce said in a report highlighting the cost of a full decoupling of the world’s largest economies. US Chamber of Commerce, along with a New York-based data and analytics firm […]

Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your computer and you have been correct on everything from politics to markets and even climate. You said we would be headed back to global cooling.  Was this based on the solar waves of energy from the sun? Thank you for the thought-provoking blog DL ANSWER: This is the Western Plague in […]

Federal Reserve & Fake Conspiracies

QUESTION: I found your history of the Federal Reserve very insightful which nobody else has put together. Can you explain your comment that the ECB could go bankrupt but not the Fed? Thank you very much. HB ANSWER: Here is a full set of $1 bills with each issued by its respective Federal Reserve branch. […]

60% of Americans Now Want a 3rd Party – Good Bye Republicans & Democrats

Right on time, Our computer has been forecasting the political trends amazingly. I have warned that Socrates targeted 2022 as a Panic Cycle in Politics. The Biden Administration is turning the country upside down claiming climate change must be stopped instantly. Yet the severe cold this winter is also right on time as our models […]

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members of Congress are is separate buildings. Pelosi had an office in the Capitol Building because she is the Speaker of the House. Yet her main office […]

Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support

Biden told the press before calling Governor DeSantis of Florida was “irresponsible” for opening up when other states were locked down. Biden objected to Florida opening up last September. “What do you have to have to have these industries back up? You have to have people from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Minneapolis, you’ve got to […]