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Where to Draw the Line Between Charity & Socialism

QUESTION:  A helping hand is not socialism I get perturbed about the lack of distinction between socialism and where a helping hand of the kindly state ends. I refer with due respect to your blog on differences between capitalism and socialism. Marty, As you know in all families there are those children and some adults […]

Lewis & Media Do Not Even Understand Why there is the Electoral College

QUESTION: Marty; I find Lewis very disrespectful saying Trump is not the legitimate president. He might have been involved in the civil rights movement, but he is coming off as one of these intolerables who regards anyone who voted for Trump a deplorable. I am very disappointed in him at this point. Any comment? ANSWER: […]

Europe Plunges into Deep Freeze

    COMMENT: Martin, Im a regular reader of your blog and I agree with you that the Ice Age is upon us. I fell on this video of ice on the Danube and would like to share with you. Even here in Singapore we can feel that something is going with the climate and it […]

What About Collectibles?

QUESTION: Hi Marty! I would like to have your thinking about one important thing: the exit of this mess. I was in the last two WEC with my friend Mark and enjoy them a lot and we will be on the next one for sure.The two months that follow the last one in November 2016, I […]

Do Not Trust Governments or Their Employees

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am familiar with the case of Robert Kahre who eventually lost a battle with the IRS for paying his employees in $20 gold pieces to avoid payroll taxes. However, do you think holding foreign currency gold pieces in a foreign bank account would be different from a US tax perspective so that […]

Monetary Devaluations & Cancellations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What Modi has done here in India is far worse than what the press reports. I read your piece that this is part of a larger plan discussed at the G20 meetings. Is there any historical precedent for such actions that would provide some guidance for the future? R ANSWER: Since ancient times, […]

Temperatures are Plunging

COMMENT: Marty; It’s below freezing in Athens. This is the coldest I have ever felt here in a long time. The average temperature is normally 10°C (50°F). I do not understand how people keep calling this global warming. REPLY: The data being put out as propaganda has been indexed at a higher base. Without adjustments, the […]

Money Changers Refusing to Accept Australia $100 Bills

Because Australia has convened a commission to terminate the $100 bill, in the wake of the currency being cancelled overnight in India, there is a growing distrust of high denomination euros and Australian bills. What is interesting is A$100 notes are nonnegotiable now in India. The same is happening in Europe with the €500 bills. There […]

Global Warming – Opps – Ice Age – Hits Europe

Unfortunately, much of Europe is facing sever cold weather as temperatures plunged below zero with heavy snowfalls. Additionally, this is the worst coastal storms Europe has seen in a decade. Take a look at this chart. You will notice that this last warming cycle that has the lunatics calling this man-made global warming/climate change, was just […]

India is the Guinea Pig for Electronic Money

QUESTION: Dear Marty, What could be the true intentions of Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi in India cancelling the currency overnight. I have been suspecting some foul in his demonetisation move but cannot correctly understand why he did it? Counterfeit currency, Black money, prevent terrorism all his publicised motives have been shown false. If this move […]