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WEC Tickets – Verifying if We Have Seats Available

What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below for more information.

Deep State & the Latest Ukrainian Scandal

QUESTION: Do you think this latest Ukraine scandal is another attempt by the Deep State to get rid of Trump? SK ANSWER: Yes, I do. This whistleblower did NOT have direct knowledge. His report was wrong but that does not seem to matter even though it was not something he even had personal knowledge of. […]

Market Talk – October 2, 2019

ASIA: Fresh protests have broken out in Hong Kong as anger mounts over police shooting a teenage protester and later defending it as “lawful and reasonable.” Meanwhile, China has criticized the US, UK, and the EU for siding with the “mob” and underplaying the violence of the protestors against the police. The Philippine foreign secretary […]

Japan’s Monetary System is a Warning to Modern Society

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My friend who retired from the Bank of Japan told me you had recreated the monetary system of Japan and that was how you could predict the yen would go below par back in 1995 and again in 2011. Could you please publish the chart on the yen showing the full monetary […]

Climate Change That Ignores History

Climate has ALWAYS changed from decade to decade.  There were major swings (volatility) during the 1930s. You had the dust bowl during the summer and in 1936 you had record cold. The 1936 North American cold wave, which also hit Japan and China, still rank among the most intense cold waves in the recorded history […]

Capitalism v Hybrid Capitalism

COMMENT: Every ISM has failed. Maybe we are seeing the twilight of Capitalism. China is a hybrid. Maybe that is why it will be the next world power. CM REPLY: People confuse capitalism with corruption. Capitalism is your freedom to choose. Corruption is when republics are available for sale to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, the […]

Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is funded by governments in order to raise taxes. They refuse to fund any research to the contrary because this is all about raising taxes. Germany will soon join Canada […]

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75 billion per day. Additionally, they plan to offer three two-week repo operations of up to $30 billion each round. The constant intervention of the Federal Reserve into the […]

The 2020 Elections – Economics v Career Politicians

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Been reading your blog for six years now and the clarity you have brought regarding cycles and predictability of human behavior is remarkable. My question is regarding the 2020 election. You have said economics drives politics and not the other way around. With the anticipated significant decline in the US economy in […]

All Money is Backed Even Today!

QUESTION:  Hi AE, et al. Your blogs not only inform, but are actually entertaining as they give most of us a point of view we’ve never before contemplated. My question….you have stated numerous times that one of the reasons the Roman government survived for 100’s of years is because they simply created currency, as needed, […]