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Can the Internet Also Replace Career Politicians?

QUESTION: Marty, why does politics attract such corrupt people? It seems to be a global problem? Curious DU ANSWER: I have actually thought a lot about this issue and I believe it boils down to the old problem of when the cat’s away the mice will play. Career politicians fall into the natural human trap […]

Cycle Inversion & Staging Ground for 2032

    Everything is setting up for 2032 and while the Economic Confidence Model is a global model, how individual markets are performing with it is a guide to the future. Gold rallied into 1979 rising from $100 to $400. Then the Phase Transition hit into 1980 taking it from $400 to $875. Interest rates […]

French New Government – Same Direction – Death of Europe?

François Hollande’s new government only stifled voices of dissent from the left wing of his Socialist Party. These marginal changes simply mean that France is headed down the dark path to meet its destiny and as the second largest economy after Germany, France will take Europe as a whole with it. Hollande’s already unbelievable weak political standing […]

Economic Confidence Model Rules?

  The vast majority of those who attempt to use cyclical analysis to forecast create flat models and as such they cannot always see the forest staring at a single tree. There are countless trends and counter-trends all moving at the same time making cyclical analysis often bewildering. A cycle will appear to work for […]

Children Are Taxed on Medals Given Their Father in War

The Telegraph has reported how the British government desperate for money, is taxing even medals given to soldiers for their bravery in war. The story in the Telegraph reports – “I was told to pay death duty on Dad’s medals”. There is nothing sensitive about these people in government. When I say we are in […]

Are we Heading for Another French Revolution?

The latest polls now show that more than 80 percent of French people do not believe that the government of President Hollande can advance the country’s economy. For the future, citizens expect high deficits, economic stagnation and record unemployment. The policies of Hollande and his French Style Socialism is undermining the entire French economy on such […]

Yellen & Jackson Hole – The Central Bank Marxist Festival

Global central bankers led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gathered in Jackson Hole for their annual Marxist Festival. Of course, those in government are just way too dangerous because whatever they see never involves them as a cause of any problem. It is impossible to see how to engage the economy when you eliminate […]

SP500 Short-Term v Long-Term

The primary reason we run our model on everything at each time level is to distinguish short-term moves from long-term. For those who may be relatively new, our models are highly fractal. They were originally developed on intraday trading. It was then observed that the very same patterns which appeared intraday would migrate upward through […]

US Share Market – Correction Over or Posturing?

The S&P500 elected a Daily Bullish Reversal last week and a rally unfolded thereafter. But we see this as posturing just yet. The volatility will begin with the first week in September and then rise into November. This market does not appear to be in crash mode – only a correction mode buying time. The […]


United States Court of Appeals,Second Circuit. Martin A. ARMSTRONG, Petitioner-Appellant, v. Joseph R. GUCCIONE, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, and Marvin D. Morrison, Warden, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Respondents-Appellees, Alan M. Cohen, Intervenor Receiver-Appellee. Docket Nos. 04-5448-PR(L), 05-0280-PR(CON). Decided: November 27, 2006 Before:  WALKER, LEVAL and SOTOMAYOR, Circuit Judges. Thomas V. Sjoblom […]