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Swamp Strikes Back

  The movement against capitalism is very broad and the politicians have caused this crisis to further their agenda. Governments were shaken by the election of Donald Trump in 2016. That is why they have brought this impeachment – they are trying to drive a stake in the heart of democracy which they call “populism” […]

Green Protectionism

The world bashed Trump saying America First was protectionist. Those at the World Economic Forum were vehemently against him and his policies. Well now we have the rise of protectionism but instead of America First, it is now Green First. Britain’s ruthless Boris Johnson who is in bed with Gates, Soros, and Schwab, figuratively I […]

Biden Declares – America is Back – to Defend EU Against Russia

Biden has reversed everything that Trump has done. Even with respect to Russia and NATO. Biden has said the US will be more effective in dealing with Russia and will work in coalition and coordination of NATO with other like-minded partners. Joe Biden has declared “America is back” to help Europe protect itself against Russian […]

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all promoting the virus to impose an authoritarian socialist regime over the entire world conspiring against democracy and human rights, which include freedom of speech, people are starting to fight back. Many […]

Market Talk – February 9, 2021

ASIA: International experts investigating the origins of Covid-19 have all but dismissed a theory that the virus came from a laboratory in China. Peter Ben Embarek, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) mission (Mission to China), said it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus leaked from a lab in the city of Wuhan. […]

Just Say No

I have stated that my cousin was a front-line nurse. She caught COVID and got over it. The hospital made her get the vaccine. After the first dose, she had a stroke. Fortunately, she has recovered. She has now refused the second dose. Another friend whose son-in-law works in a hospital was ordered to take […]

Democratic Majority in House drops to just 5 people

Socrates had forecast a declining trend for the Democrats and their majority is so razor-thin, they have a serious problem. This is why Biden is circumventing Congress altogether and using executive orders to implement Schwab’s Great Reset. In the House, a judge has ruled that the NY-22 congressional election is finished handing the victory to […]

Is Resistance Really Futile?

  A number of people have asked, “Will this resistance be futile?” Europe has been crushed. Kristalina Georgieva and Christine Legarde are both board members of Schwab’s World Economic Forum. European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, was also a board member. Schwab has conquered Europe. He is destroying all non-green jobs and ensuring the […]

Mike Lindell of My Pillow is Being Barred from Everything – Why?

  Mike Lindell of My Pillow has been shut down by all Social Media including his company. This is why he has been shut down. What is clear, removing Trump was critical to the agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. From the perspective of corruption, we certainly cannot rule anything out. What I find offensive […]

Conspiracy Theory & Great Reset

QUESTION: Do you say that the COVID pandemic is a hoax? FR ANSWER: Look, there are people who are deliberately calling anyone who disagrees a conspiracy theorist so they never have to answer anything. There are people who have had COVID. I have had a cousin who got it and my neighbors got it. It […]