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Turkey Approaching the Point of No Return as Erdogan Blames the Currency Decline on USA

Turkey has little hope of coming out of this in one piece. The pretend President-Dictator, Tayyip Erdogan, has come out and denied on Saturday that Turkey is in a currency crisis. Exactly how he can even say that is shocking. Nevertheless, he called a 25% drop in the currency a plunge that is just ‘fluctuations’ that […]

The Minsky Moment

A number of people have asked if I ever looked at Hyman Minsky’s concepts in forecasting the economy. Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis failed not because of the fact that he attempted to interject cycles and even listened to Schumpeter, the problem was that he was an economist and not a trader. His own attempts to devise a […]

China on the Rise Report – Digital

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world’s leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and failed economic policies centered in socialism. With special attention to the Chinese yuan and Shanghai composite, this report examines how, when, and why China will become the new financial capital of the world.

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Russia & Its Development

  COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, With all respect to you and enlightenment you share with us, I would like to share some with you on Russ tribe, its origin, and its connection to Ukraine vs Russia. This topic is essential for it explains the legacy of Russ tribe and who can have a claim about it. […]

Electric Cars or Else – Says Brussels by 2020

From 2020, European carmakers MUST  comply with stricter EU regulations. On average, only 95 grams of CO2 emissions per kilometer drove are permitted per car produced. If the output is higher than that, there will be drastic fines due. The leader seems to be BMW. I bought an I8 myself which is a hybrid so […]

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by Jones and his Infowars website. Other companies have rushed to join including Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify. The general reason is Jones’s podcasts are viewed as “hate content” which can subject them to heavy […]

42,000-year-old worms revived from Siberian permafrost

Well, it looks like you can’t just freeze politicians and end their reign of terror. It turns out, they might still be thawed out 42,000 years later beginning again. The latest biology news was reported in Germany in A 42,000-year-old soil sample from Siberian permafrost contained nematodes. It was thawed and the soil contained worms which […]

China on the Rise Report – Hard Copy

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world’s leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and failed economic policies centered in socialism. With special attention to the Chinese yuan and Shanghai composite, this report examines how, when, and why China will become the new financial capital of the world.

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Canada Global Warming Tax up to $1,000 per Household?

  I have been warning that Global Warming is profitable for governments. They paid these academics $1 billion to come up with dire forecasts that ignore nature, cycles, and history, all to justify taxing people that will never actually impact anything nor balance their budgets. Canadian households in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia will be hit […]

Superposition Principle & Reversal Convergence

The Superposition Principle is a very important occurrence in cyclical movement. In physics and systems theory, the Superposition Principle states that, for all linear systems, the net response caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses that would have been caused by each stimulus individually. This principle applies to cyclical behavior within a […]