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Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Nyenrode University

Yesterday, I spoke by invitation at the prestigious Dutch Nyenrode Business University, situated on a 13th century estate with its own genuine castle, moat, and drawbridges. This is the only university of its kind with such a unique atmosphere and remains the only private university in the Netherlands, which explains the invitation. The questions were interesting, to say […]

Why Europe Will Lead the Charge to Eliminate Cash – the Next Step in a Global Meltdown

Europe will lead the world into Economic Totalitarianism because government is now desperate to retain the euro. If the euro collapses, so will Brussels. The government exists solely because of the euro. The key is the fatal design of the euro. Failure to consolidate the debts of all individual member states has been the worst possible […]

The Coming Crash of All Crashes – but in Debt

Why are governments rushing to eliminate cash? During previous recoveries following the recessionary declines from the peaks in the Economic Confidence Model, the central banks were able to build up their credibility and ammunition, so to speak, by raising interest rates during the recovery. This time, ever since we began moving toward Transactional Banking with the […]

The Crisis in Democracy – Debt & Electronic Money

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Would you be able to clarify the risks with having just an electronic money system – it would seem that any electronic system would be vulnerable to viruses, bugs, hacking, and other collapse. Also a completely electronic system would possibly be a tool of a tyrannical government simply to shut dissenters down. […]

Goldman Sachs & Hillary Clinton – A Marriage Made in Washington

Hillary Clinton is already bought and paid for, She netted $400,000 for giving two speeches for a few minutes at Goldman Sachs. This is by no means a speaking fee. This is what I believe is outright bribery. A speaking fee will be $35,000 to $50,000 tops. She has nothing to offer Wall Street for […]

Understanding a New World Order in Economics Is Possible

I have been doing a lot of interviews in Germany, from TV and radio, to newspapers and magazines. It is clear that they are starting to get the message that this is not about opinion. Every economist has recognized that there is a business cycle. The approach has been starkly different from medicine. Instead of […]

The Strange Case for Gold

QUESTION: Hey Martin, Years ago, I thought I was so smart.  Silver was 5 and gold was 300.  I was pretty young and did not have a lot of money. I purchased 30k worth of silver coins and some gold coins.  My thought process was that silver, most likely is not worth 0. As both […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

Berlin 2015 World Economic Conference Nov. 28 & 29

The Berlin 2015 European World Economic Conference (WEC) will cover the world. When we say it will cover Europe, we are talking about the continent, not just the EU. So yes, that includes Switzerland, Eastern Europe, as well as Russia. The WEC will only be held in Princeton and Berlin this year. This should prove […]