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Republican Tax Reform – What About the Deficit?

The Associated Press ran a story reporting: “Congressional Republicans are planning a massive overhaul of the nation’s tax system, a heavy political lift that could ultimately affect families at every income level and businesses of every size.” The interesting aspect is that the headline reads: GOP: Cut taxes, change brackets; but what about deficits There is zero discussion about […]

The New 2017 Banking System

The year 2017 will bring us a step closer to eliminating physical money through governments assault on the underground economy. I previously reported that Europe had moved forward to make payments electronically on an instant basis. The same system is being turned on next year in Australia. The entire reason the Founding Fathers of the United […]

The Share Market & the Future

QUESTION: As a small retail investor, what would Marty suggest to invest in if in fact we break the 23000 level on the DOW and we do in fact get the phase transition that he is talking about?  Furthermore, what would he use to profit from it?  Shares in particular stocks, futures contracts or options in […]

The Real Crisis Trump Will Face With Trade

The entire problem with trade and jobs has been its focus on only the job and not the consumer. David Ricardo developed his principle that nations should pursue their own competitive advantages. In other words, just because I might want to be a brain surgeon does not mean that (1) I might be very good at […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

The ECB is Insolvent Based on Their Standards

As we approach 2017, the euro appears far worse than anyone could imagine. The biggest hypocrite is actually Mario Draghi who is outrageously managing the European Central Bank (ECB). To make this as plain as possible, the ECB is the largest individual creditor of the euro countries, and is thus a bank that is undermined completely by the poor creditworthiness of the […]

Australia Looking Into Cancelling the $100 Bill

The Australian federal government is planning a full assault on the black or underground economy by appointing a taskforce who will consider the future of the $100 note and bans on cash payments over a certain level. Australia, like everyone else, is facing a monetary crisis whereby the current system of taxes and social programs […]

Congressman Gets 10 Years in Prison for Corruption

Former U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah was sentenced to 10 years in prison for misspending government grants and charity money to fund his campaign and personal expenses. It is amazing how the standards are so different for anyone other than the Clintons. U.S. District Judge Harvey Bartle called the Philadelphia Democrat’s crimes “astonishing,” especially since he and his wife Renee Chenault-Fattah, who was […]

Gold Headed Lower Under $1,000 into the Abyss

India is moving now to confiscate gold after going after the cash. Currently, each married woman is entitled to 500 grams, each unmarried woman 250 grams, and each man 100 grams of gold. Everything that goes beyond is classified as illegal possession and thus will be confiscated. There is no restriction on the possession of […]

Freedom of Movement – Four Aspects Under Assault

We tend to assume that the freedom of movement is confined solely to migration and travel. There are four aspects to the freedom of movement, and migration or travel is only one. Yes, we warned that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end and the European refugee crisis has enabled that decline. We warned that this agreement, […]