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Market Talk – February 23, 2021

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 closed Shanghai decreased 6.09 points or -0.17% to 3,636.36 Hang Seng increased 312.81 points or 1.03% to 30,632.64 ASX 200 increased 58.30 points or 0.86% to 6,839.20 Kospi decreased 9.66 points or -0.31% to 3,070.09 SENSEX increased 7.09 points or 0.01% to […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2021

ASIA: Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on issues like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic if they repaired their damaged bilateral relationship. Wang said China is willing to reopen constructive dialogue with Washington after relations between the two countries sank to their lowest in […]

Market Talk – February 19, 2021

ASIA: China may ban the export of rare-earth refining technology to countries or companies it deems as a threat to state security, according to a person familiar with the matter. While China has no plans to restrict shipments of rare earths to the US, it is keeping the plan in its back pocket should a […]

COVID – A Convenient Virus

German researchers have disagreed with the WHO which claimed Wuhan lab was not the source of the virus. This virus was planned and the action of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates selling out positions and even bonds from December 2019 into January 2020 and then warnings that Klaus Schwab made to intimates reflect […]

It is Snowing in the Desert in Saudi Arabia

  It is snowing a lot in Saudi Arabia. This has nothing to do with CO2. The sooner we start to listen to great research instead of propaganda that has been manufactured to covertly allow the United Nations to dominate the world, which by the way, they have been lobbying for a Carbon Tax worldwide […]

XRP & the Rise of Barter

QUESTION: Martin, I wonder if you can comment on the potential of the swift system being replaced by Ripple lab’s XRP as a bridging currency between currency pairs making use of their patented “On-Demand Liquidity” system. If this is the case then it would appear the USD is set to be replaced as the world reserve currency […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2021

ASIA: American companies would lose hundreds of billions of dollars if they slashed investment in China or the nation’s increased tariffs, the US Chamber of Commerce said in a report highlighting the cost of a full decoupling of the world’s largest economies. US Chamber of Commerce, along with a New York-based data and analytics firm […]

Our Legal System is Pro-Tyranny

In the Netherlands, a court in The Hague has told the Dutch government that an overnight curfew to reduce the spread of coronavirus should be lifted, ruling that it breaches the right to free movement. There are other courts striking down what many governments have done to the people, society, and the economy. In the […]

Market Talk – February 17, 2021

ASIA: Japan’s exports accelerated in January, led by a jump in Chinese demand, and manufacturers’ sentiment turned positive for the first time since 2019, signaling a gradual recovery from last year’s deep coronavirus slump. Ministry of Finance data showed on Wednesday exports rose 6.4% in January from a year earlier, roughly in line with a […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2021

ASIA: China’s textile and clothing manufacturing suffered losses last year as US consumers and businesses moved away from Chinese labor. The apparel market in the US dropped -23% in 2020, marking a ten-year low. Asian competitors such as Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Cambodia saw a 42% rise in this sector last year as suppliers look […]