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Market Talk – June 12, 2023

ASIA:   The 10th Arab-China Business Conference commenced with the signing of 30 investment agreements totaling $10 billion in various sectors. These agreements cover areas such as technology, renewables, agriculture, real estate, minerals, supply chains, tourism, and healthcare. The Saudi government signed deals with multiple Chinese entities, encompassing projects like automotive research and development, tourism […]

The True Story of Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, could you please explain what happens in technical terms from a capital flow perspective, when confidence is lost and hyperinflation starts to begin? For example Turkey. When Erdogan was elected i think you wrote that ever since the lira started dropping. So confidence in politics is key. Do you think one […]

Mike Pence – The Neocon GOP Presidential Candidate

Former Vice President Mike Pence plans to run in the 2024 US Presidential Election with the goal of pushing the nation into a global conflict. Part of his rhetoric is bashing former President Trump for having diplomatic relations with Russia, despite working under him for four years. If elected, Pence said he plans to offer […]

What If Canada do to Quebec What Zelensky is Doing to Donbas?

COMMENT: Imagine Canadians bombing Quebec and outlawing the French language and French-speaking people. My guess is Quebec will eventually use this opportunity to separate from Canada! The propaganda is so thick!! Thanks from the Great White North for being a voice of Reason and Truth!! Jim M REPLY: Both of my Ukrainian employees have fled […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2023

ASIA:   Inflation in China stayed at low levels in May, as the economy struggles to recover even after its strict Covid lockdown measures lifted late last year. Producer price index in May fell 4.6%, marking the steepest year-on-year drop in seven years, when producer prices saw a year-on-year drop of 7.2% in May 2016. […]

Has the World Simply Gone Mad?

 The indictment of Trump federally confirms what our computer has been warning about for the 2024 election – there will be none – at least a fair one at that. Never has any former president running for office been targeted and the Department of Justice has been completely weaponized. All for documents that he clearly […]

Market Talk – June 8, 2023

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 272.47 points or -0.85% to 31,641.27 Shanghai increased 15.83 points or 0.49% to 3,213.59 Hang Seng increased 47.18 points or 0.25% to 19,299.18 ASX 200 decreased 18.30 points or -0.26% to 7,099.70 Kospi decreased 4.75 points or -0.18% to 2,610.85 […]

Will It All Explode by the Ides of May 2025?

I know some people send emails alleging I am some sort of Putin supporter. Most of my sources come from inside Ukraine. There is NO government on this earth that EVER has 100% approval of its people. There are ALWAYS two sides just as we have in the polarization of the United States. Many have […]

Climate Change Agenda Threatens Food Supply – Ireland to Kill 200K Cows

The push toward net zero emissions contains a sinister undertone – depleting our food supply. Ireland announced that they will murder 200,000 cows to adhere to Agenda 2030, ultimately reducing cow cattle by 10% in the coming years. Adding to the push for Universal Basic Income, Ireland is telling farmers that they can murder their […]

EU and WHO Plan Digital Vaccine Passports

The European Union and World Health Organization met in Geneva this week to discuss plans for “future pandemics.” Governments and global organizations still want to control the masses with forced vaccinations despite the utter failure of the mRNA vaccine that did nothing to prevent transmission or infection. Still, the EU and WHO are planning to […]