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Gold v Dollar

The traditional mumbo jumbo is dollar up, gold down. However, we may be entering a completely new phase. Gold and the dollar may no longer be archenemies. They are actually now moving to the same side of the fence, for the common enemy is the rapidly approaching electronic money, with so many analysts at banks […]

FACTA from the British View – Are you an American?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Just opening a new bank account in the UK, and one of the questions is “Are you a US citizen?” ANSWER: Those in government cannot see that Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) is destroying the world economy. The velocity of money internationally is dropping sharply by what appears to be approaching […]

Inequality of Wealth

1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller. Standard Oil would always rule the world. How could that possibly change? They argued this was undermining economic opportunity for others. The government championed the progressive […]

ZDF Aspekte TV Show on the ECM & More

The popular German cultural show for the younger generation “ZDF Aspekte” (Aspects) sent a film crew to the States to interview me on the Economic Confidence Model, Europe, and a lot more. It should appear this Friday night, April 24, 2015, throughout Germany. The rising generation is looking more and more for answers since the old […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

The Federal Reserve: Part III – The Takeover

FDR’ Speech on the Banking Crisis March 12, 1933   Roosevelt established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in 1933, assuring people it was safer to keep their money in a reopened bank than under the mattress. Then on August 23, 1935, Congress approved legislation that had a major impact on the Federal Reserve Banks, […]

Screwing the Young & Old

The end of socialism is not going to be pretty. Politicians have screwed the youth with student loan debt that they made non-dischargable to help the bankers, followed by lowered interest rates to “stimulate” the economy, which has only lowered their own cost of funding. The youth are burdened with huge debts paying 7% on […]

The Federal Reserve: Part II

  The amount of propaganda against the Federal Reserve is incredible. What we must keep in mind is that its original design, which lasted for about one year, was brilliant. The classic banking model, borrowing from depositors on a demand basis and lending long-term making a profit on the spread in interest rates, such as […]

The Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island”

QUESTION: Hello Martin- Great work and I wish you the best. One question regarding your recent email alerts from your blog in regards to the “money out of thin air” discussion that was/is going on. What is your opinion on how G. Edward Griffen’s book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, relates to the discussion on […]

The Coming Public Debt Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Martin I am a macro manager. I read your article on April 9th about Public/ private. I agree it will happen but Commercial banks hold only a tiny part of the US Treasury as you will see from the graph attached. They will probably buy on the way up and China reserve growth […]