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Market Talk – September 5, 2019

ASIA: There was a somewhat successful call yesterday between US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. The call concluded that the US and China will resume trade talks in person at the beginning of October. In the run-up to the event, the two countries will hold a discussion in order to […]

Why the CNN Fake News & Others are a Major Threat to Democracy

We think of false information as a domestic problem that Trump is in the battle with CNN and the term “fake news” is just political talk. It’s far more dangerous than that. The history books confirm that the Spanish American War was created by the press falsely reporting an attack that never took place. The […]

Computer v Influence

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such influence actually change elections? DK ANSWER: As Nigel Farage noted at our Rome WEC in early 2019, our computer forecast BREXIT when nobody else did. Our computer does not […]

Market Talk – September 4, 2019

ASIA: China today has officially filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the US raised tariffs from 10 to 15 percent over the weekend on 300 billion USD worth of Chinese goods. China has asked for the WTO to act as a mediator to convince the US to reduce or end the […]

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real scientists have just discovered a massive previously unknown source of nitrogen that could turn the Global Warming nonsense on its head. My bet is that it will be ignored. […]

Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?

QUESTION #1: You expect global cooling due to the decrease in solar energy. Why do glaciers melt? MG QUESTION #2: Now that the Greenland Glacier is growing, is this part of the shift back toward global cooling? Do you think we are headed to an ice age? FH ANSWER: There appears to be a 20-year […]

The Surrender of Liberty in the Name of Security

QUESTION: It seems that as we get closer to a change-over of economic systems that as a society we are more willing to give up our rights to the State. Is that part of a pattern during these types of events? Was it seen as Britain, Rome, and other countries lost power after their peaks? […]

Gold in Currencies

QUESTION: Hello Marty, I have a question about Gold & Silver in other currencies – namely GBP. Accepting your rational, with evidence I must say, that precious metals are a reflection of the confidence people have in their countries currency, you can see from the price of gold & silver in GBP and EURO that […]

Mortgages & Banks

QUESTION: Hi Martin.. thanks so much for all your world/economic content and perspective. I was reading a comment you made recently concerning real estate mortgages. In the comments, you suggested carrying a low fixed-rate mortgage rather than paying off the property. My question is what happens when a financial institution goes bust. You’ve taken out […]

Heatwaves Are Serious Only on a Sustained Basis

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I thought you might be interested in some comments on Climate Change. My wife has a dear friend 87 years old who lived (and still does) in Wellington County, Southern Ontario. She sent some comments on the current heatwave. “The heatwave last week made me think of the many times my parents […]