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Political Corruption Sanctioned by Mainstream Press?

The press is cleverly twisting the Hillary e-mail scandal to her benefit by narrowing their focus on what qualifies as “secret” instead of the fact that she conducted all national security business from her private e-mail server to avoid getting subpoenaed. There is no question whatsoever from a legal perspective that what Hillary did was […]

Language is the Key to an Empire

Bush is taking on Trump over his comment to uphold English as America’s primary language. “We’re a nation that speaks English. Whether we like it or not, that’s how people assimilate,” Trump declared at a New York press conference. Trump CORRECTLY articulated the issue that speaking English is assimilation and the strength of the nation. Bush is DEAD […]

Judge Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Selling Kids to For-Profit Prison; Police Chief Sentenced to 1 Year for Murder

Finally, a state judge was sentenced to 28 years in prison for taking bribes from a private juvenile prison where he sentenced kids for the profit of the prison. I have yet to meet any judge who is actually “HONORABLE” as the title they bestow upon themselves suggests. The issue is not that all judges accept bribes; rather it […]

Observation from Finland

COMMENT: Hey Martin. I really appreciate what you are doing for everybody by writing your blog. I make sure that I never miss anything that you write. I’m reading and learning everything I can about trading and I can’t wait for the Socrates launch. You are so right about the bankrupt governments chasing taxes everywhere. […]

McCain’s Laptop Hacked?

CyberBerkut, a Ukrainian group of hackers, claims to have hacked John McCain’s laptop while he was in the Ukraine. What they have released from his June visit appears to be a fully staged production of an ISIS beheading video. Interesting if this proves to be true.

We Are in the 21st Year of Declining Temperatures

It is amazing how government is trying to claim the existence of global warming, simply to introduce a carbon tax. We are entering the 21 year of declining temperatures; not rising temperatures. This is akin to the tax on cigarettes; people smoked less and governments cried that they were losing revenue, causing many places to tax electronic […]

Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change

The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water is cooling and below the water is warming. Those who stop driving to work, opting to walk or ride a bicycle instead, are perhaps speaking at least of what they […]

The Monetary History of the Mongols

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, Attached please find a review of a book on the achievements of Khan (1162- 1227). Despite his image, this visionary leader adopted some very ‘modern’ values (meritocracy, freedom of religion, universal laws (shepherds = princes), emancipation of women, taxation, free trade, etc.). This extra-ordinary man created an empire larger than the Roman one. […]

Russia Reinterprets the Legality of the Break up of the Soviet Union

Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be reinterpreted constantly and twisted on the head-of-a-pin to mean whatever needs to accomplish at the moment. Now in Russia, the chief prosecutor’s office is examining […]

Three Terrorist Attacks Today in France, Kuwait, & Tunisia

The rise in extremism in the Middle East is becoming more widespread with the clash between Sunni (ISIS extremists) and the Shi’ite. In France, another shocking attack with a decapitated body covered in Arabic writing was found at an American gasoline company in the southeast after an assailant rammed a car into the premises. The […]