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You cannot Change the Mind of those Who Believe in Global Warming because it is their Religion

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; there are just people who refuse to believe that global warming is wrong. When there are cold spells like that here in Australia, they argue there are equally a number of warm spots. They are leading us down the tubes. They will not yield and even consider that they are wrong and […]

The Violence in Northern Ireland is Not Finished

Reuters is reporting that Northern Ireland was hit by a new wave of street violence overnight on the eve of annual parades. This is demonstrating that there remains underlying tensions between pro-British Protestants and Irish nationalist Catholics in the British occupied region. Vehicles were set on fire, petrol bombs were thrown, and roads were closed off […]

Latin American Revolutions Building Against Marxist Socialism

Nicaragua is in crisis and keeps spiraling toward a much more profound bloodier conflict and revolution. President Daniel Ortega is fighting intensely against the rising civil unrest and has lost control of the streets. We are witnessing how “confidence” is the most critical factor in holding governments in power.  Once the people lose that confidence in […]

Are Central Bankers Directing the Flow of Money without any Checks or Balances?

QUESTION: Do you think that the central bankers influence has triggered a massive shift in the world order? Do you think the IMF and the BIS have gone beyond their mandates? Are central bankers directing the flow of money without any checks or balances? Do you also think that there is an open door between […]

Doom & Gloom v Optimism – Is there a Middle Ground?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, The weather, politics, and life in general is getting a little more skewed month by month on the planet—and like everyone else in history who has experienced cyclical highs and lows, I sure wish I’d been able to skip this cycle altogether— I’m 64 and really trying to keep realistic and not […]

Economic Confidence Model – When One Nation Peaks Another Bottoms

QUESTION: Martin, I know that the basic ECM cycle’s 4.3 year decline subdivides into a 1.075 year decline, 1.075 year rise, and 2.15 year decline. However, if I remember correctly, the 2.15 year decline also includes the Pi cycle turn 3.14 years from the top. If I remember correctly for this ECM cycle, the 2.15 year […]

Market Talk- June 27, 2018

The story of June has certainly been the US -Europe- Asia trade wars which were instigated by Trump administration back at the start of the month. The tariffs of 25% on Steel and 10% on Aluminum likely to affect around 100 Bn worth of goods globally. China and Europe since retaliated, with Europe initiating a […]

Its Snowing Still now in NewFoundland

  It is still snowing across the border in Newfoundland, Canada in June. In Wisconsin, there was so much snow during April, it is still there in huge piles in June. Believe it or not, snowfall has still been reported this week in EIGHT states. This is California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshire […]

How Do We Get Honest Government? Is It Possible?

QUESTION: You seem to be somewhere between left and right-believing in government restraint and showing that it pursues its own self-interest which leads to corruption and in the end the fall of the state. Is that a fair statement of your philosophy? KP ANSWER:  I am against the Marxist views and I am against the […]

30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed

  The Wall Street Journal just published a review of the Global Warming Forecasts for the past 30 years. They have not even come close to the scenarios they put forth back in 1988. On June 23, 1988, the then NASA scientist James E. Hansen who helped to start all this nonsense testified before the Senate […]