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Futures Markets & Money

COMMENT: As you say, future contracts are not immoral. What has created quite some problems in recent years was the ability to work with structurate finance using both futures and ability to speculate leveraging on margin. The combination of the two can be quite dangerous if most of the money are trapped here. As for money, […]

Fractional Banking Misrepresentations

COMMENT: Hi Martin, FYI – I personally think the confusion on this topic comes from the University.  I was a student 20 years ago and studied finance.  This is what we were taught – The money supply expands with lower reserve requirements.  It should really read the money supply would expand with a lower reserve requirement […]

Fed’s Ability to Create Money From Thin Air

QUESTION:  Thank you for the explanation about what fractional banking is. It clarifies the real intent and impact of this issue on the economy. Would you please then explain what quantitative easing is? It appears as if this is indeed the creation of money out of thin air. cs ANSWER: This is a different animal […]

Even Flowers Know When to Follow the Sun

  The reason for Optimism is knowing that something exists and that empowers us with the ability to change. We can learn from nature if we look at the divine structure of how things really work just for once. Some garden flowers follow the sun as it travels across the summer sky. Flowers that track […]

Bank Portfolios Reflect Bubble for 2015.75

For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio holdings have been a key component in monitoring the shifts between PUBLIC and PRIVATE CONFIDENCE. These shifts from government securities to private holdings within bank portfolios is an important leading indicator of the rise […]

Abuse of Contempt of Court – Far more Common than People Realize

One of the most abusive aspects of our legal system is the contempt of court. This is where judges claim the power to be a medieval king and just send you to prison without lawyers, trials, or even committing a crime. In the case of Doreen Hendrickson, she refuses to plead to something she says is […]

Fractional v Relationship/Transactional Banking

QUESTION: Marty, in your piece about banking are you suggesting that fractional banking is not the issue it is the shift from relationship banking to transactional that is causing the greatest damage? Thanks Bob ANSWER: Absolutely. The difference between a Dark Age and Capitalism is the very fact that banks exist. The Dark Age after […]

Musical Chair Banking

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I read the Iceland proposal before you posted your comment about it.  I knew intuitively it wouldn’t work because they were putting government in charge of credit creation – like placing the wolf in charge of the hen house.  (I believe my conclusion came from your Education – thank you.) I listened […]

What About the Unfunded Liabilities?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Saw ‘The Forecaster’ in London, only sorry it was not showing for longer as many friends would have liked the opportunity to see it, it was an excellent documentary. Very much enjoyed watching the ‘Solutions Conference’. How do you see debt for equity operating in the UK alongside the abandonment of the Central […]

NY Times July 12th, 1998

The New York Times July 12, 1998 A Great Big Bounce for Bucks & Bonds by Gretchen Morgenson Market Watch, Front Page Section Like a beach ball held under water and then released, the dollar popped up again last week. The dollar index, a measure of the value of the Unted States currency against 10 […]