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Democrats Refuse to Work For the Country

Change is the engine of advancement. We cannot advance without it and we never advance without first making a mistake. Today, I have never seen in politics reach such a low level. Most Democrats on Capitol Hill are showing how un-American they really are with this display of open hostility, resentment, and plain old being […]

Eliminating Cash – The NEW AGE of Economics

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, thank you for all that you are doing. I was hoping to get your view on the Indian government banning large denomination bills. What do you think is the reason and why such a small window of time to get them turned in? PB ANSWER: Unfortunately, the theory is that cash prevents […]

Texas the Pension Crisis Exposed

The pension crisis in Dallas Texas is starting to create panic among beneficiaries and thus the situation is snowballing out of control.  The Dallas Police and Fire Pension has been well regarded in the pension world for its diversity among asset classes. The funded ratio was estimated at 64% in 2014. In 2015 a new […]

Markets – When the Dust Settles

The Euro soared to 113 and then crashed and burned to the 109 level. The Dow exceeded yesterday’s high but has not penetrated the previous day’s low. Gold had its reaction up to 1340 and fell back under 1300. Let’s get this much straight. Our computer is NOT showing a major change in trend because […]

The End is Here – Or Is It?

Well, the election that seemed to never end is finally coming to an end, but will it end today? This is very interesting to watch how biased the press has become and clearly they have lost all credibility. This election is the most dramatic I have ever seen in my lifetime. Normally, there is really […]

The Markets Heading into Election

As we move into the elections and the polls narrow with Trump gaining, the power that be will try to push the US share market down to create the image that a Trump victory will be devastating just as they did in Britain. The number to watch in the Dow for today’s closing is 17713. […]

The Market Reality for the Election Next Week

We have to understand that fundamentals mean nothing. How many times have we seen a market decline with good news and the explanation is flipped to say it was not “good enough”. Markets are driven by BELIEF, not fundamentals. The pound crashed because those in the financial sector believed their own nonsense and sold. The […]

Never Ending Conflict of Interest – Complete Collapse of the Rule of Law

We are looking at the complete collapse in the rule of law. There is no other way to put this. The Department of Justice is so compromised with Lynch at the head it is getting to be absurd. Peter J. Kadzik is the Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs at the Department of Justice (DOJ). Clearly, […]

Letter from Queen Elizabeth II to the American People

To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II:   In light of your tendency to propose uncivilized people for public office who masquerade as the leader of the world, and thus your tendency to elect completely incompetent Presidents who then want to rule the world when you […]

US Budget Deficit Increases – The Crash & Burn Begins

The US government says it ran a $US587 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year, which was a 34% increase over last year. Deficits have simply become a standard way of life for Western governments as a whole. They see no problem with borrow more each year when they have absolutely no intention of ever paying […]