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Market Talk – January 19, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy grew at the slowest pace in more than four decades last year, official figures show but remains on course to be the only major economy to have expanded in 2020. The economy grew 2.3% last year, despite Covid-19 shutdowns causing output to slump in early 2020. China’s mainland share markets as well […]

Conspiracies Used to Hide the Truth?

  COMMENT: You are the first thing I read every morning. I like the fact that you avoid the conspiracy scenarios how Trump was going to send in troops and arrest everyone claiming this is not a drill. You are a voice of reason in the middle of this storm of chaos. Thank you for […]

Have Our Politicians Set in Motion The Decline in the USA?

  Violent crimes are up 120% in the first 10 days in NYC for 2021 compared to 2020. While a portion of this has been inspired by the Democrats initially supporting the Defund Police before the election, most of the crime has risen simply because of the destruction in jobs thanks to lockdowns. The NYPD […]

The Future & What is Really Going On

  QUESTION: This civil war you talk about. Is it Republican v Democrat? Is this because your precious Trump lost? FH ANSWER: Look, this is the computer forecast and you can go back years and see that this forecast was made before Trump ever ran for office. Make no mistake about it, that this is […]

OPINION & Impeachment

QUESTION: What is your opinion of Trump? Was he right or wrong? Should he be impeached or not? GC ANSWER: My opinion does not matter. The politics will decide the direction of the markets and we have to look at the impact on capital flows objectively. That is why the forecasts from Socrates are far […]

The Danger of Political Civil Unrest This Week

The Kent University State Massacre took place on May 4th, 1970. It was the killing of four students and the wounding of nine others who were all unarmed students by the Ohio National Guard. I certainly hope there is no violence this week. The National Guard after Kent State was never again to appear with […]

The Rule of Law Crumbles

  The House Judiciary ranking member Rep. Doug Collins delivered a speech on the floor against the Impeachment. What he points out is critical. Pelosi declared Trump guilty with no evidence and pushed it on him to prove he was innocent. She has indeed trashed the Constitution and in her personal vengeance to rush to […]

American Politicians Killing People All for Politics!

  I have been getting emails of people seriously ill after getting the vaccines and a surge of deaths that are happening around the world which are being suppressed in the Uni8ted States because this vaccine is political. I have a report from all over Europe but at last, Norway has come out and warned […]

Volatility & Timing for the Inauguration

QUESTION: Do you see major volatility with the inauguration? FG ANSWER: We can see that volatility will rise this week for the 20th, it still does not seem to be the major turning point that the week of the 4th has been probably with hindsight.  We do see a rise in volatility this coming week, […]

Left’s Great Stalinist Purge of All Our Freedoms

It began with Twitter shutting down Trump. Then Google & Apple shut off Parler and its owner and his family have had to go into hiding because of death threats from the left. Now Google and Apple are continuing their Great Stalinistic Purge of the Internet. They are shutting down any free speech they can […]