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Political Dark Side of 2016 & Obama’s Intent to Bring War

  NATO wants to take back the Crimea from Russia. The US wants to send in arms to Ukraine. All of this has provoked a response from Putin that has escalated the stakes. Taking back Crimea Putin has warn would lead to a nuclear conflict. Otherwise, Putin is looking to now escalate the conflict using  Russian […]

Interest Rates – Dollars – October

Some have asked will the dollar has previously fallen with higher interest rates so why will the opposite unfold now? The answer to that question is rather important to grasp – YES and NO. Sometimes YES and sometimes higher interest rates reflects a weak currency but NO for higher interest can reflect also a strong […]

US Guarnteeing Ukrainian Debt?

The idea that the US guarantees foreign debt is nothing new. The proposal for the US to guarantee the debt of Ukraine actually side-steps direct aid. Mr Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, wants Ukraine to fight Russia and as such they need offensive weapons to accomplish this goal. So the Obama is guaranteeing […]


COMMENT: Marty, you were the first to report that there was a State of Emergency in Frankfurt ahead of the media. I find this very curious for what does this say about the media? Thank you REPLY: We may be the most international firm ever for we have clients and readers in absolutely every nook […]

Politicians are Just Politicians

Hillary has refused to turn over the server for her emails claiming there are personal emails on there with her husband. Yet Bill Clinton has claimed before he rarely used emails. She is a crafty lawyer and has resisted subpoena on every investigation. She justifies a personal account to avoid Congressional subpoenas claiming you can’t […]

The One-World Currency – Not Arriving Voluntarily

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you believe there is a conspiracy to create a one world currency to which the central banks ascribe to? Thank you JE ANSWER: No. That is thrown around by the real conspiracy theorists who see everything as a giant planned plot form people who are actually in control of something. This is […]

ECB Insanity & IMF Tardiness Tearing Europe Apart Yet they R 2 Stupid to Understand It

The ECB (European Central Bank) decision to strike Greek bonds off its list of accepted collateral caused European shares and bonds to fall out of bed. The ECB’s move is a blunt attempt to turn-up pressure on Greece’s new anti-austerity government. Greek bank shares plunged over 20 percent and the country’s short-term debt yields surged […]

Ukrainian Food Riots

The CONFIDENCE in the Ukrainian government is collapsing. The price of food is soaring as people now believe their currency will buy less with each passing day. The hrynya has fallen below 4 cents US. Like German Hyperinflation, here too we see people trying to spend their money on food as soon as they get it. To […]

Human Nature & The Economic Trends

Human nature tends to create followers as a whole because of confidence. Financial Panics unfold because the whole is in a state of panic. This is why paper-shorts are so essential to stabilizing the markets. When everyone is in a state of panic, only a mad man would buy. The short player is critical for […]

Manipulations v Reality – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong you make very good arguments about markets not being manipulated for long vs the trend, yet then you post that Goldman jailed you and had their programmer jailed so they could manipulate markets. I am sure you will ignore this email, but can you clarify what you mean? ANSWER: The Goldman accusation against […]