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Market Talk – January 26, 2021

ASIA: The IMF expects the US and China to be by far the most successful at steering their economies through the pandemic, leaving Europe and other emerging markets trailing in their wake. In its updated forecasts for the global economy, the fund predicts that by 2022 recoveries in the US and China will leave their […]

Xi Jinping at DAVOS

  Chinese President Xi Jinping at Davos in Switzerland attended by video. He continued to defend globalization also referring to multilateralism and climate change. However, he never mentioned either Trump or Biden but he did criticize the US trade war with China. He did warn that any conflict between Beijing and Washington would be bad […]

Market Talk – January 25, 2021

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 190.84 points or 0.67% to 28,822.29 Shanghai increased 17.49 points or 0.48% to 3,624.24 Hang Seng increased 711.16 points or 2.41% to 30,159.01 ASX 200 increased 24.30 points or 0.36% to 6,824.70 Kospi increased 68.36 points or 2.18% to 3,208.99 SENSEX […]

There are Many Reports from Around the World of People Becoming Seriously Ill After the Vaccine

There are way too many people suffering from serious side-effects from these vaccines. There is a lot of information coming out about these vaccines, which have been pushed out without proper testing because this was a manufactured political emergency. Thirty people died after being vaccinated in Norway, prompting international concern outside the USA of course. […]

Market Talk – January 22, 2021

ASIA: Barring another wave of COVID-19 infections, the worst is over for India’s economy and policymakers may soon have more room to support a recovery, the central bank said in its January bulletin released on Thursday. The RBI slashed interest rates early last year to cushion the shock from the coronavirus crisis, but has left […]

No Taxation Without Reform

QUESTION: In your opinion, how serious is the idea of taxing unrealized capital gains? That would sure make the decision a lot clearer for big money on where to park. 3% in China sure beats big taxes in the Dow. Unless big money doesn’t trust China. DS ANSWER: I seriously doubt that they will do […]

The Confusion & the 180-Degree Turn

The market will come to a decision probably in Feb/March about just how crazy Biden will get. The greatest fear is they will pump up the numbers of COVID to justify a national lockdown following the WHO and Europe which is really all about crushing the economy for the purpose of Build Back Better green. […]

Market Talk – January 20, 2021

ASIA: Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma has made his first appearance since Chinese regulators cracked down on his business empire. The billionaire met 100 rural teachers in China via a video meeting on Wednesday, according to local government media. The Chinese government slapped sanctions on former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Adviser […]

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore” despite the fact when he shut down air travel from China the Democrats called him racist. […]

Market Talk – January 19, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy grew at the slowest pace in more than four decades last year, official figures show but remains on course to be the only major economy to have expanded in 2020. The economy grew 2.3% last year, despite Covid-19 shutdowns causing output to slump in early 2020. China’s mainland share markets as well […]