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Is Buffett Just Wrong?

QUESTION: Warren Buffet has been a value investor and has only been interested in profits. You have explained that the trends shift and profits will yield to capital preservation. Would you say that Buffett is just wrong on his views? JV ANSWER: There is absolutely no relationship you will EVER discover that remains constant if […]

1177 BC – The Collapse of Society System-Wide

QUESTION: I do not believe you have ever commented on Eric Cline’s book 1177BC, the year civilization collapsed. Do you think this is likely what we face or is this different? WL ANSWER: There were about eight civilizations that all collapsed with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC. It was caused by a major shift […]

Market Talk – August 7, 2019

ASIA: Last week on Thursday, President Trump threatened to add another 10% tariff on an additional 300 billion USD worth of goods coming into the U.S. from China. China responded to President Trump’s threat by allowing the Chinese yuan — with the current exchange rate of 7.05 Chinese Yuan to the dollar — sink to […]

The Reality of Trade Between USA & China

We are clearly cascading toward the Monetary Crisis Cycle as the USA wrong accuses China of manipulating its currency for trade advantages. All one needs do is look at the trend of the dollar against other major world currencies and you will quickly see that the trend of the dollar against the yuan is in […]

The Next Lehman Moment – Threat to the Global Economy the Fed Responded to

I am overseas as a crisis is brewing which many might rename the “Lehman Moment” to something more up to date. Clearly, the stakes are far higher to the world economy than anyone may truly appreciate. We are cascading toward a perfect financial storm. However, this particular storm is exacerbated by the politics of Europe […]

Was 9/11 A Plot to Seize Power?

QUESTION: What is your view on the new demands for an investigation that there is “overwhelming evidence” that the buildings were brought down by explosives? KD ANSWER: I do not know about the Twin Towers, but I can say that the first World Trade Center bombers drew the World Trade Center on the wall of […]

Market Talk – August 2, 2019

ASIA: There has been news suggesting that China wants to retaliate to the tariffs imposed by Trump, but their faltering economy and high debt burden does not allow them to do so. Today, China’s Ministry of Commerce, which is heavily involved in the country’s trade policy, said it would “take necessary counter measures to resolutely […]

When did Trading Begin? Were Free Markets the Key to the Rise of Empires?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I figured there is nobody more qualified to answer the question of where and when did markets first begin to trade? Did markets have anything to do with the rise of nations you write about? KD ANSWER: Only those societies that developed financial markets ever rose to greatness. Those who bash markets […]

Political Change

Cycles of the past lead to future predictions By Dinah Wisenberg Brin The Associated Press Philadelphia   The political upheaval of 1994? They saw it coming two years ahead of time. The devastating Japanese earthquake? They’d been expecting it, albeit a year earlier….President Herbert Hoover … might be pleased with board Chairman Martin Armstrong’s prediction […]

Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?

  Research is surfacing that shows Antarctica may have been without ice during the Medieval Warming Period some refer to as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) which took place between 1000–1200 AD. Mapping the MCA across the Antarctic region based on the analysis of published palaeotemperature proxy data from 60 sites has revealed something which defies […]