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The Rule of Law Crumbles

  The House Judiciary ranking member Rep. Doug Collins delivered a speech on the floor against the Impeachment. What he points out is critical. Pelosi declared Trump guilty with no evidence and pushed it on him to prove he was innocent. She has indeed trashed the Constitution and in her personal vengeance to rush to […]

American Politicians Killing People All for Politics!

  I have been getting emails of people seriously ill after getting the vaccines and a surge of deaths that are happening around the world which are being suppressed in the Uni8ted States because this vaccine is political. I have a report from all over Europe but at last, Norway has come out and warned […]

Market Talk – January 15, 2021

ASIA: Shares in China’s Xiaomi sank after the US government added the smartphone group to an investment blacklist in a move that is likely to thin its ranks of American shareholders. The Beijing-based company’s stock dropped 10.3 percent in Hong Kong trading on Friday, hours after the Pentagon added it to a list of companies […]

Is a Total Lockdown Coming to the USA?

  After a year of lockdowns and the destruction of jobs on a wholesale basis, Bill Gates wrote that we have not done enough. CO2 did not decline to demonstrate that this entire exercise to use a virus as the excuse to crush the economy to “BUILD BACK BETTER” has failed. Like some medieval doctor […]

Market Talk – January 14, 2021

  ASIA: Chinese exports grew more than expected in December, customs data showed on Thursday, as coronavirus disruptions around the world fuelled demand for Chinese goods even as a stronger yuan made shipments more expensive for overseas buyers, Reuters reported. While Chinese exports are likely to benefit from solid global demand at the start of […]

Hillary Advocated Violence – Is She a Domestic Terrorist?

  I find it really a double standard when Hillary advocated being uncivil by saying that civility can return ONLY when the Democrats control the government. The more this spirals out of control, the more it seems that the country should split. But the problem with the left is their vision of the New Green […]

Trust and the Point of No Return

QUESTION: How will the world reinstill confidence with China after the pandemic? How can people in the West return to trust? Thanks ANSWER: We have entered a new Cold War which will eventually turn hot. The Politicians are using COVID to destroy the economy deliberately to usher in a new age of Authoritarianism. They will point […]

Market Talk – January 13, 2021

ASIA: China posted its biggest daily jump in COVID-19 cases in more than five months on Wednesday, stepping up containment measures that have seen four cities put under lockdown, as the world’s second-biggest economy scrambles to head off a new wave of infections. Most of the new cases were reported near the capital, Beijing, but […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2021

ASIA: Wall Street firms in Hong Kong including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan on Monday moved to reduce exposure to Chinese telecom companies named in a U.S. ban on investments in companies Washington considers linked to China’s military. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley said in filings to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong that they […]

Market Talk – January 11, 2021

ASIA: A World Health Organization (WHO) team of international experts tasked with investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic will arrive in China on January 14, Chinese authorities said on Monday. Lack of authorization from Beijing had delayed the arrival of the 10-strong team on a long-awaited mission to investigate early infections, in what China’s […]