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Manipulations v Reality – Here We Go Again

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong you make very good arguments about markets not being manipulated for long vs the trend, yet then you post that Goldman jailed you and had their programmer jailed so they could manipulate markets. I am sure you will ignore this email, but can you clarify what you mean? ANSWER: The Goldman accusation against […]

The End of 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgages?

The Treasury Department is looking to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but without these organizations, there would be few buyers for 30-year fixed rate mortgages in the secondary markets. The 30-year mortgage was created during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal to help revitalize the real estate market. Prices have […]

US Share Market Outlook

  The US share market compared to the DAX is lagging. We can see our Energy models have been declining as we have pressed begrudgingly higher. The Oscillators, more commonly used, are crawling at the highs. While we still see the potential for new highs here in March, the lack of a spike high on […]

Real Estate – To Buy or Not To Buy – That is the Question

Two questions about real estate have been asked by many people: 1. Do you think it is wise now to buy a house and get hooked on a mortgage knowing that 2015.75 is around the corner? 2. Do you think residential real estate valuations and interest rates will collapse on the other side of 2015.75 […]

Real Estate & The Business Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I live here in Fairfax County, VA. Wow! The government largesse almost feels like 2006 again. Real estate values have almost climbed back to 2005 levels. I cannot believe that people here are paying 600k for 15-year-old townhomes under high tension wires. I guess it is the low interest rates. Those units can […]

The Sovereign Debt Crisis on Schedule

COMMENT: I thought I would remind you of this chart you produced of the sovereign crisis, today the Greeks have applied for a 6 month extension and if that is approved it finishes on the next turn date above of 2015.665. It’s unfolding on schedule again, just following your model, this is also just before […]

Ratio Analysis & the Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find your unbiased view of gold refreshing. I agree waiting for 35 years is a tad too long. That is half your life if not more waiting for the chance you will be right. Now they are pointing to the Dow/Gold ratio arguing the Dow must crash to 10,000. This honestly […]

CONFIDENCE – Always the Key to the Crash & Burn

The crisis in the Euro is leading to an extreme bubble in government bonds as central banks move to this crazy idea of negative interest rates. The attack on Denmark to abandon the peg to the Euro continues. Now we are seeing even Sweden is cutting its rates below zero. These central banks have no […]

Gold – Dollar – Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, its seems rather clear that for the last 30 years you would have been far better off just buying stocks rather than gold. I do not understand how people can even listen to these gold promoters who have no regard for a person’s financial survival. I have to wonder if they are […]

Pensions & BIG BANG

  While I am a supporter of  MATT TAIBBI at the Rolling Stone, his take on the Pension Crisis is really off the mark. Taibbi focuses on the fees being paid to hedge funds as robbing state worker pension funds. What he fails to address is that the taxes are rising on the Middle Class to pay […]