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Brussels to Build a Berlin Wall in Ireland in the event of a Hard BREXIT

COMMENT: You are quite correct Mr. Armstrong. Prime minister Boris Johnson spoke that “no deal” Brexit looks like a surety and the FTSE 100 skyrocketed and the pound took a beating against ALL mostly traded pairs. Indices (excepting for a few) are going to the moon!! J.F REPLY: There are actually suggestions in Brussels I […]

Sources say FBI Investigation into Trump’s Campaign Began Earlier than Previously Reported

Sources behind the curtain are talking about a real political war unfolding. While the Democrats are so desperate to impeach Trump on the prayer they can win the White House in 2020, behind the scenes the Justice Department is said to now be focusing on the original FBI investigation into potential collusion between members of […]

Epstein Held in New York Version of Guantánamo

Jeffrey Epstein was being housed in the “10 South” unit, commonly known as the “HOLE” which is a 24- hour lock-down where they also keep terrorists which is very strange just pending trial. This is not about Epstein but who he could implicate. It has been called America’s Gulag and the Guantánamo hid in New […]

The Next Solar Cycle Begins in 2020 & May be a Panic Decline in Solar Activity

  Our computer correlates everything from economics to nature. We have been warning that the next 8.6-year wave in the Economic Confidence Model appears to be one of inflation. This should be a cost-push version, meaning not DEMAND but shortages. One of the serious correlations we see is that the next solar cycle of 11 […]

Climate Change is about Overthrowing Capitalism

The Extinction Rebellion, formed in 2018, appears to be an extreme anarchist group that is using climate as an excuse to overthrow governments. Climate change has become a movement that advocates a hostile takeover of the world economy to end capitalism. This movement of climate protestors in Britain known as the Extinction Rebellion has a […]

Federal Judge Held Robert Mueller Had No Evidence to Support Russian Government was Behind 2016 Social Media Manipulation

A federal judge has ruled that former special counsel Robert Mueller had no evidence that the Russian government was behind election year social media trolling. The allegations by Mueller were simply made up. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia revealed a […]

California Economy Declining Significantly

California is the center of the far left which takes the position that even undocumented aliens can hold a position in government, they support sanctuary cities, and of course, they are the major movement in the New Green Deal initiative. Berkeley, California banned natural gas which is a clean fuel requiring homes to be powered […]

Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments Glossed over by Democrats

The House approved a second resolution last week condemning “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” in a move that Democrats hope will quell the latest uproar over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel. Omar made comments at a Washington, D.C., coffee shop where she again questioned the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in American politics. […]

The Worst Heatwave was the 1930s

QUESTION: Marty, wasn’t the Dust Bowl the worst heatwave in history? DL ANSWER: Yes, you are correct. Despite the hype this weekend, the heatwave is nowhere near historical records. The peak was the 1930s which created the Dust Bowl. The agenda is clear and these people will use every heatwave to end civilization as we […]

Singapore Economy Turns Down & China Exports Decline

They are calling it an unexpected contraction in Singapore’s economy which is in line with our Economic Confidence Model which bottoms in January 2020. In addition, China’s exports have also declined by 1.3% during June. Gross domestic product in export-reliant Singapore declined by a shocking 3.4% in the second quarter from the previous three months. […]