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Inflation/Deflation Reality Check – Understanding the Rules of the Game

QUESTION:  I compliment you on your recent blogs about inflation/deflation. The blogs were instructive, and you had no agenda other than providing your best understanding of the topic. That cannot be said for all of the heavyweight government spokespersons that make public (mis)statements about this most basic economic process. My comprehension from reading your blog […]

Lagarde’s Low-Flation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Christine Lagarde of the IMF has stated that the problem with Europe and Japan is that they have no appreciable inflation. She calls it “low-flation.”  You have stated that the U.S. and Germany are always fighting their last economic war so the U.S. inflates and Germany deflates. So is Lagarde correct this […]

Influence v Discovery

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I was at that London Conference when you forecast that Russia would collapse in a matter of weeks based upon your model showing $100 billion inflow but $150 billion outflow. Whilst the heads of the major money center banks always assumed you were just too influential, for I worked in …. at […]

China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

The Age of Civil Unrest

All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War. Both of these models converge and as I pointed out at the Cycles of War Conference, this is the first time we have seen […]

The US did NOT cause the Fall of the Soviet Union – that is a False Belief on Both Sides

There is a serious issue at the core of the USA-Russian renewed Cold War. Both sides fail to understand how and why the Cold War ended. This is a profound problem that impacts both Russian and Western attitudes risking war in the future. This very common assumption that the West somehow succeeded in causing the collapse […]

Understanding Russia

I have clients on every continent and traveled just about everywhere. What I have learned is to understand the people of any nation, you simply have to (1) know its background and history, and (2) its language. The combination of these two elements allow you reach the all critical comprehension of their thinking process for […]

NASA Funded Study says Civilization WIll Collapse

  Apocalypse Now A reader passed this on for comment. NASA funded a study that is yet another Marxist-slanted product that says civilization will collapse because of the unequal distribution of wealth and the exploitation of natural resources. It is interesting that they state that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found […]

Hate Mail from Russia

COMMENT: Instead of your fishy fiction you should say real story about us (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus) and 309,6 circle of the Orthodoxy and their Capital in Rus land: Kiev, Moscow, St.Peterburg, Moscow and (Kiev in the future). But you wouldn’t, would you? REPLY: Sorry. That entire region has a very deep history and you cannot […]

Ukraine Must Expel the Care-Taker Government And Start a New Path

The care-taker leaders are the typical bureaucrats who will destroy Ukraine and everything the people have fought for. Oleksandr Vіktorovich Shlapak (Олександр Віталійович Шлапак) is the Ukrainian politician, bureaucrat, and the current Minister of Finance in Ukraine since February 27th. He offers NOTHING worthwhile for Ukraine and only thinks inside the BOX listening to economists with […]