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Satire of the American Election or Reality?

MANCHUKISTAN: Social Media channels under the influence of self-declared presidential race winner Joseph Bidenski have banned Manchukistan’s incumbent opposition leader “The Donald” Trump from their networks. The move follows a mostly peaceful protest at the country’s state legislature building by Trump supporters on Wednesday, in which an unarmed former female airforce officer was shot in […]

Schumer Begins the Domestic Terrorist Act – No Fly List

  Schumer is calling anyone who was in the Capitol Building are “insurrectionists” despite the fact the police let them inside and most were taking selfies. Most do not appear to be threats other than they voted for Trump. To ban these people from ever getting on an airplane smells of what is to come. […]

Now Bill Gates Comes out – Climate Change is Worse than COVID

Now that Trump is defeated, we will see them move to the next excuse to crush the economy — climate change. Bill Gates, in his GatesNotes, wrote: “What’s remarkable is not how much emissions will go down because of the pandemic, but how little,” Gates wrote. “The relatively small decline in emissions this year makes […]

Pelosi Introduces Twitter Act

COMMENT: Even Breitbart is getting into active censorship. Yesterday sent a comment that giving the vaccine to minority business first was probably vote-buying. Got message “Hold on, being reviewed for approval by BNN. Today someone else put in an email that their emails were being delayed for a few days so that when it did […]

Will Biden Lockdown the Country in February?

  We have to face reality. Joe Biden may not really be in charge as was the case with Bush Jr. His advisers are already laying out how to pay for a “brief” lockdown of 6 weeks. This agenda of locking the world down came from the climate activists spearheaded by Bill Gates through the […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2021

ASIA: Wall Street firms in Hong Kong including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan on Monday moved to reduce exposure to Chinese telecom companies named in a U.S. ban on investments in companies Washington considers linked to China’s military. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley said in filings to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong that they […]

2021 – The Choppiness Ahead

QUESTION #1: OK. Now what? The Democrats seem to be just vindictive and do not represent all the people. Any thoughts on the future? FC QUESTION #2:  Hello Martin. You and Socrates are the only sane people/AI in a totally insane world for the time being. Thanks for that. From a Swedish perspective, it is […]

The False Flag – Capitol Siege?

  It is clear that the police opened the doors and stood by as they allowed protestors into the Capitol. They have now charged some police for allowing people in. That is not grounds to impeach Trump. But Pelosi is doing this to try to tar and feather him to prevent him from ever running […]

FBI Warns of Armed Protest at Biden’s Inauguration

Now we have the FBI warning that there may be an armed assault against Biden during the inauguration. This is getting really crazy. I really hope that is NOT the case but I would not put it past someone deliberately doing so to blame Trump supporters to drive 50% of the country underground. On the […]

Market Talk – January 11, 2021

ASIA: A World Health Organization (WHO) team of international experts tasked with investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic will arrive in China on January 14, Chinese authorities said on Monday. Lack of authorization from Beijing had delayed the arrival of the 10-strong team on a long-awaited mission to investigate early infections, in what China’s […]