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The Sharp Rise in Hoarding Cash = Deflationary Trend

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This […]

China Still in the Growing-Pain Stage

Despite the optimism that China will be the land of the future, that will be true long-term, but there are still in the growing-pain stage. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has announced a series of cuts to the required deposit reserve ratio, releasing hundreds of billions of yuan into the financial system amid growing […]

Overall State of the Union – Unbiased Economics

As we move into 2015.75, American job losses during the Great Recession 2007-2011 have been erased, but long-term joblessness remains much higher than when Obama first took office following the 2008 election. When we look at corporate profits and stock prices, they have continued to set records, while workers’ wages remain stagnant and the home […]

It’s Always About CONFIDENCE

One question that I answered would the Fed have been better off giving the money to the people rather than the bankers, the answer is no. The key to inflation and deflation is by no means the quantity of money. This is really a wrong theory that when tested does not hold up. The trend […]

The Fed & The Fish Bowl Economy Theory

QUESTION: Sir, Thank you so much for sharing your insights via your website. I only recently discovered it and devour the writings daily. In the interest of full disclosure, I am not an economist nor do I pretend to be intelligent enough to portray any deep knowledge on the subject. I do however enjoy watching trends […]

Is Europe’s Austerity Policy just Incompetent?

The turmoil within Europe over this austerity policy is reaching astronomical proportions. This crazy failure to comprehend that you cannot raise taxes and increase regulation while expecting an economic recovery is stunning. All the ECB is doing is bailing out banks while interest rates go negative wiping out the savings of elderly and pension funds. […]

The Paradox of Inflation/Deflation

QUESTION:  Martin   You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and inflation/deflation. I get the part about the deflationary aspects of killing the economy via regulation and taxation. It is right in front of us every day. I get […]

Computer Maybe Right Again About 2016 Presidential Election

Our computer has been forecasting for decades now not just Big Bang will start 2015.75 that we all can see with interest rates at historic low levels matched only by historic highs in government incompetence and corruption. However, it was also forecasting that the Presidential election in 2016 will see a sharp rise in third […]

Youth Take Back Their Country – Greece

The celebrations are going on in Greece. My emails have been lighting up. This is precisely what was suppressed in Scotland and in Spain. The younger generation is revolting against what they see as the corrupt elites. One cannot deny that the older establishment of thinking is so out of touch with reality it is […]

The Coming Dollar Rally

  With the intentional policy to lower the value of the Euro to try to stimulate the European economy, the dollar will rise as we have been warning and we may see this reach all time record highs. This will then turn the US economy down after 2015.75 and you can see, smell, and taste […]